Hi! Is there a way to focus the simplifier on part of the current subgoal's conclusion? Say my goal has the shape a0 OP a1
with a1
being a very complex term which however doesn't matter yet at the stage of the proof. How could I tell the simplifier to only simplify a0
, _but_ take into account the subgoals premises as usual? And, as a variant, how could I tell the simplifier to ignore _some_ assumptions? The current simp (no_asm_use)
only switches between using all and ignoring all.
Currently, this is unfortunately not possible. You could use Rewrite in HOL-Library, but that tatctic only applies a single equation.
It shouldn't be too hard to modify the rewrite tactic to use the simplifier, though.
Thank you Lukas, I'll have a look.
Can one perhaps abstract the conclusion to a generic function application with the single argument being the sub-term to be simplified, then simplify this abstracted goal, and finally transform back into the original goal by instantiating the function accordingly?
The SMT method is doing things like that internally a lot for speed. For example, the following from ~~src/HOL/Tools/SMT/z3_replay_methods.ML
) ignores everything that is not an arithmetic term:
fun arith_th_lemma ctxt thms t =
SMT_Replay_Methods.prove_abstract ctxt thms t arith_th_lemma_tac (
fold_map (SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_arith ctxt o dest_thm) thms ##>>
SMT_Replay_Methods.abstract_arith ctxt (dest_prop t))
but I don't know how useful this would be for you.
Interesting, thanks Mathias! I will have a look and see if/how it could be adapted
What about ignoring some assumptions? In some situations close to finishing a goal, I can just filter out irrelevant premises, but generally, I'd like to tell the simplifier to ignore some assumptions, but not remove them
you could abstract them away too
or Subgoal.FOCUS
after abstracting
Do you mind explaining a bit more how prove_abstract
is to be used (and how it works)? I see you're one of the authors of z3_replay_methods.ML
Here is a small example where I embedded it into a tactic:
(*declare [[simp_trace]]*)
lemma "(if xy then a else b) + 2= (if xy then a else b) + 2"
apply (raw_tactic ‹HEADGOAL ((Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context, prems, concl, ...} =>
let val thm = @{print} (SMT_Replay_Methods.arith_th_lemma_wo_shallow context prems (Thm.term_of concl))
val _ = @{print} ("concl = ", concl)
in HEADGOAL (resolve_tac context [thm]) THEN print_tac context "stuff" end) @{context}))›)
prove_abstract takes several arguments, the important ones are the conclusion (as a term), the premises (as premises), and a function to abstract
The function to abstract iterates over the term and decides to abstract a term or to continue going into the term itself
For example, abstract_arith_shallow (used in the example above) goes into disjunction, but does not go into if-then-else (put the simp_trace back in to see what the simplifier is handling: it does not see the if-then-else and instead has a term t1
that abstracts away)
For now, prove_abstract supports only a syntactic criterion, but generalization should be easy… (although you need to copy-paste the code)
Is your goal always of the shape OP x y
where OP
is a constant? Because then you may simply use an appropriate congruence rule and pass it to the simplifier.
@Kevin Kappelmann Not always, but in some meaningful cases, yes. Can you elaborate how I'd instruct the simplifier to ignore y
in this case and only simplify x
@Hanno Becker sorry for the late reply. Here's an example:
definition "SIMPS_TO s t ≡ s = t"
lemma SIMPS_TO_iff: "SIMPS_TO s t ⟷ s = t" unfolding SIMPS_TO_def by simp
text ‹Prevent simplification of second argument›
lemma SIMPS_TO_cong [cong]: "s = s' ⟹ SIMPS_TO s t = SIMPS_TO s' t" by simp
lemma SIMPS_TOI: "SIMPS_TO s s" unfolding SIMPS_TO_iff by simp
lemma "SIMPS_TO (0 + 0 :: nat) (0 + 0)"
apply (simp) (*simplifies only the first argument*)
(*you can use it to find the normal form of a term in a given context like this:*)
schematic_goal "x = 0 ⟹ SIMPS_TO (0 + 0 + x :: nat) ?X"
apply (simp)
apply (rule SIMPS_TOI)
I actually wrote some library functionality for this purpose a couple of days ago. If you are happy to wait another few days, I can share the code with you next week.
Thank you Kevin, that's great and already helps me. I'll likely have further questions on how to best controlled-restrict the simplifier, but I'll read a bit more first.
Last updated: Mar 08 2025 at 01:11 UTC