Stream: Beginner Questions

Topic: Haskell like pattern matching "@" operator

view this post on Zulip Bob Rubbens (Apr 29 2023 at 08:08):

Good morning everyone, in haskell one can use the "@" to declare a variable for a variable that was pattern matched on. For example, one can have ps@(p:pt), meaning, the entire list ps has head p and tail pt. Is there something like this in isabelle?

view this post on Zulip Adem Rimpapa (Apr 29 2023 at 11:32):

I believe what you're looking for can be found in the theory HOL-Library.Pattern_Aliases. If you import this theory, you can use the syntax (p # pt =: ps), for example as follows:

includes pattern_aliases

fun f :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list" where
  "f [] = []" |
  "f (p # pt =: ps) = ps"


view this post on Zulip Bob Rubbens (Apr 29 2023 at 14:43):

That's great! Looks like that's exactly what I need. Thanks a bunch.

If you don't mind a follow-up question: this just happened to be included somehow with my isabelle installation. By ctrl+clicking on the import statement I could look into the source and hence the (inline comment) docs. On the internet I also found a nicely formatted PDF. Do you know if this PDF does also happen to be in my isabelle installation? I have the prog-prove.pdf, locales.pdf, etc. in the jedit documentation pane, but there seems to be no PDF on HOL-Library/Pattern_Aliases. I also browsed around my isabelle folder and indeed the number of pdfs seems limited. Is there some extra pdf documentation package I can download? Or can I maybe render these PDFs myself locally?

view this post on Zulip Adem Rimpapa (May 01 2023 at 13:10):

A simple way to just generate the pdf for a given session (for example HOL-Library, which contains the Pattern_Aliases theory) is to run the following on your command line:

isabelle document -v -V -P /path/to/some/directory HOL-Library

This will generate the pdf file for the session HOL-Libraryin the specified directory. You can find more detailed descriptions of Isabelle's document generation functionality in the Isabelle system manual (, mainly in chapter 3.

view this post on Zulip Bob Rubbens (May 02 2023 at 06:36):

Oh cool! Thanks!

Last updated: Mar 08 2025 at 01:11 UTC