I have collected some sources for Isabelle knowledge:
I would love to hear additions to this list.
Thanks for compiling this handy list! I am additionally considering:
@Wenda Li I tried to translate the Chinese book into English by Google Translate: it did translate the table of contents well, but failed to do that for the actual content. Even when I try to translate an individual page, it does not work. Do you know of a service that translates the book to English?
@Gergely Buday I am afraid that I don't know any good systems for translating a whole book. Auto-translation of academic books/papers always appears to be challenging to me, as jargons and subtle nuances can lead to a lot of confusion...
I pointed to the book in case the user is more comfortable with Chinese. Nevertheless, I believe most of the content have also been covered by other materials (e.g., Concrete Semantics).
By chance, I have found the following draft:
Learn Mathematics and Computer Science with Isabelle
And the course Automated Reasoning by Jacques Fleuriot
Last updated: Mar 08 2025 at 01:11 UTC