I have an induction proof where I want to induct over i
while keeping the forall quantification of list
. how do I do this?
fun nth_opt :: ‹['a list, nat] ⇒ 'a option› where
‹nth_opt [] _ = None› |
‹nth_opt (head # tail) 0 = Some head› |
‹nth_opt (head # tail) n = nth_opt tail (n-1)›
lemma nth_opt_len_some: shows ‹(i < length list ⟷ (∃v. nth_opt list i = Some v))›
proof (induction i)
induction i arbitrary: list
Remark that you are not keeping the forall quantifiers: in the lemma list
is fixed. You are adding a quantifier.
That makes sense. I hit this issue again while using induction rule:...
and it doesn't seem that arbitrary: ...
works. With more complicated examples would you recommend adding quantifiers to the lemma statement (not using assumes "..." shows "..."
) or just initially introduce quantifiers as needed before starting the induction proof?
the arbitrary has to go before the rule that should work
Last updated: Mar 08 2025 at 01:11 UTC