I corrected a wrong definition. After the correction, Isabelle cannot automatically prove it is a function, and hence requires me to change from fun
to function
. Moreover, after the editing, I find the definition is not applied automatically by simp
anymore, causing some proof to break.
The correct definition, i.e., the new version, is like this:
function satis :: "('m set × ('m ⇒ nat)) × 'p set ⇒ 'a set × ('m ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool) × ('p ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒
'a ⇒ ('m,'p) form ⇒ bool"
"satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w TRUE ⟷ w ∈ W"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w FALSE ⟷ False"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (VAR p) ⟷ p ∈ Φ ∧ w ∈ W ∧ V p w"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (CONJ f1 f2) =
(satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f1 ∧ satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f2)"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (DISJ f1 f2) =
(satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f1 ∨ satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f2)"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (IMP f1 f2) ⟷ w ∈ W ∧
(satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f1 ⟶ satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f2)"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (NOT f) ⟷ (w ∈ W ∧ ¬ satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w f)"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (BOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ fst τ ∧ (snd τ) m = length fl ∧
w ∈ W ∧ (∀vl. length vl = length fl ∧ R m (w # vl) ⟶
(∃i. i < length vl ∧
satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) (vl ! i) (fl ! i))))"
| "satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (DIAM m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ fst τ ∧ (snd τ) m = length fl ∧
w ∈ W ∧ (∃vl. length vl = length fl ∧ R m (w # vl) ∧
list_all2 (λ f v. satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) v f) fl vl))"
apply auto
using form.exhaust by blast
The only difference between it and the previous one is on the clause for "BOX". Previously, I had:
satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) w (BOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ fst τ ∧ (snd τ) m = length fl ∧
w ∈ W ∧ (∀vl. length vl = length fl ∧ R m (w # vl) ⟶
list_all2 (λ f v. satis (τ,Φ) (W,R,V) v f) fl vl) )"
And the previous version can be automatically proved to be a function.
requires you to also prove termination (fun
does it automatically).
Only after you prove termination, you will have access to simps
You can find more details in the tutorial "Defining Recursive Functions in Isabelle/HOL" (in jedit on the left, click on Documentation, then Isabelle Tutorials, then functions.
May I please ask for suggestions on how to deal with that? I would like simp to automatically work for it. I tried "grep" with "function" and "simp" on my mac to see how to add the definition to the simp set, but zsh does not find the command, indicating maybe it does not find the correct path...
Also if I can write is a fun instead of function, it might automatically change back to simp
Maximilian Schäffeler said:
requires you to also prove termination (fun
does it automatically).
Only after you prove termination, you will have access tosimps
You can find more details in the tutorial "Defining Recursive Functions in Isabelle/HOL" (in jedit on the left, click on Documentation, then Isabelle Tutorials, then functions.
Thank you very much! But it seems to me that Isabelle is already happy with the termination?
Here is the interactive window, it accepts it as a constant and does not give me any goal.
Yes, it accepts it as a constant, but the psimp
lemmas have an additional assumption, that basically states that the function terminates on this input.
Oh I see, despite the fact that Isabelle does not ask, I have to write:
termination proof -
show ?thesis sorry
to start the proof.
You may also prove termination much later, or never at all. The only problem is that in this case, you know much less about how satis
behaves on arbitrary inputs.
Thanks! I see. I think the quantification on vl
might be the reason it cannot automatically proved to terminate.
I am hesitating whether I would change to inductive
instead. It will take some thoughts...
Note that if you use function
, Isabelle does not even try to prove termination automatically.
Thanks! I recently learned that if termination can be proved automatically, then fun
is enough, but I was indeed not aware of the other way around: i.e. if fun is not enough then I have to type "termination" by hand. It i good to know.
Last updated: Mar 08 2025 at 01:11 UTC