From: Gergely Buday <>
Hi there,
is it possible to build and then use the source in
IsabelleXXXX/contrib/jedit-20XXYYZZ ? Is there a documented workflow for
From: Makarius <>
In Isabelle2023-RC3 there is an administrative tool "isabelle
component_jedit", where "administrative" means you need to run from an
Isabelle repository clone, such as
Afterwards you need to replace the Admin/components/main configuration
according, e.g. see this past changeset:
What are you trying to do? This is definitely an administrative operation and
not expected from regular users.
From: Gergely Buday <>
I am to make jEdit to output the typeset theory file through the JTextArea
From: Makarius <>
I don't understand.
Maybe the misunderstanding is based on the conflation of "jEdit" (the plain
text editor) and "Isabelle/jEdit" (the Isabelle Prover IDE based on jEdit).
For the latter, the sources are in src/Tools/jEdit/src and rebuild implicitly
on startup of "isabelle jedit" --- for Isabelle repository version.
It is probably also possible to make a regular Isabelle/jEdit plugin as
Isabelle/Scala component (with etc/build.props). See also chapter 5 of
"isabelle doc system".
My guess is that it will require some delicate tinkering of jEdit properties
(Don't count on me to provide anything right now, as we are heading towards a
stable release, and I am busy elsewhere.)
From: Makarius <>
Why this confusion of terminology, for no particular reason?
From: Gergely Buday <>
Thanks, these are good starting points for me.
And yes, in the context of the Isabelle mailing list when I talk about
jEdit I mean Isabelle/jEdit.
Last updated: Feb 05 2025 at 16:23 UTC