From: Niels Mündler <>
Hello everyone,
Working with the latest Isabelle distribution, I have encountered an
internal exception when using pattern_aliases
in combination with
statements. As a minimal breaking example, the function
"weird_swin" can be found in the code appended. Thanks to Manuel Eberl,
a non-breaking version could be formulated which can also be found,
named "not_so_weird_swin".
I am just curious whether this issue is known and suggest that the issue
should be fixed, myself having no clue what caused it.
Best regards,
Niels Mündler
From: Manuel Eberl <>
I tried to track it down but failed so far. Even with ML exception trace
and ML exception debugger enabled (and Pure + HOL rebuilt), I see no
trace for the exception. Rebuilding HOL with the full ML debugger is not
feasible (doesn't terminate).
I did find out, however, that it is /not/ a problem with the function
package but rather a problem with pattern aliases. The function
definition does not use pattern aliases at all, and if you just disable
pattern aliases, the exception goes away.
From: Manuel Eberl <>
Okay, I managed to get somewhere. First of all, the problem doesn't seem
to be pattern aliases as such but a fundef_cong rule it declares:
lemma let_cong_unfolding [fundef_cong]:
"M = N ⟹ f N = g N ⟹ Let M f = Let N g"
by simp
The problem is probably due to the combination of "Let" and "case", but
I cannot see what exactly the problem is.
Minimal breaking example and exception trace below.
theory Foo
imports "~~/src/HOL/Fun_Def"
lemma let_cong_unfolding [fundef_cong]:
"M = N ⟹ f N = g N ⟹ Let M f = Let N g"
by simp
fun foo :: "nat ⇒ unit × unit" where
"foo 0 = undefined" |
"foo (Suc n) = (let (a', l') = foo n in undefined)"
Exception trace - exception THM 1 raised (line 700 of "drule.ML"): COMP
Function_Context_Tree.rewrite_by_tree(5)rewrite_help (line 244 of
Function_Context_Tree.rewrite_by_tree (line 242 of
Function_Core.mk_replacement_lemma (line 256 of
Function_Core.prove_stuff (line 390 of
Function_Core.prepare_function (line 825 of
Function_Mutual.prepare_function_mutual (line 303 of
Function.prepare_function (line 72 of
Function.gen_add_function (line 139 of
Function_Fun.gen_add_fun (line 155 of "~~/src/HOL/Tools/Function/fun.ML")
exception THM 1 raised (line 700 of "drule.ML"):
(case h_fd n of (a', l') ⇒ undefined) = (case foo_sumC n of (a', l') ⇒
[⋀z. foo_rel z x_fd ⟹ ∃!y. foo_graph z y, x_fd = Suc n, foo_graph n
(h_fd n),
foo_rel ≡ ??.Foo.foo_rel, foo_sumC ≡ ??.Foo.foo_sumC, foo_graph ≡
(case foo_sumC n of (a', l') ⇒ undefined) = (case foo_sumC n of (a',
l') ⇒ undefined) ⟹
let (a', l') = h_fd n in undefined ≡ let (a', l') = foo_sumC n in
[⋀z. foo_rel z x_fd ⟹ ∃!y. foo_graph z y, x_fd = Suc n, foo_graph n
(h_fd n),
foo_rel ≡ ??.Foo.foo_rel, foo_sumC ≡ ??.Foo.foo_sumC, foo_graph ≡
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC