From: Lawrence Paulson <>
I'm happy to announce a new entry: Pick's theorem, by Sage Binder and Katherine Kosaian.
We formalize Pick's theorem for finding the area of a simple polygon whose vertices are integral lattice points. We are inspired by John Harrison's formalization of Pick's theorem in HOL Light, but tailor our proof approach to avoid a primary challenge point in his formalization, which is proving that any polygon with more than three vertices can be split (in its interior) by a line between some two vertices. Our formalization involves augmenting the existing geometry libraries in various foundational ways (e.g., by adding the definition of a polygon and formalizing some key properties thereof).
It's a substantial development, nearly 45% bigger than my formalisation of the incompleteness theorems. It also takes Isabelle up to 90 on Freek's List of 100 problems! (See
Last updated: Feb 05 2025 at 16:23 UTC