From: Manuel Eberl <>
After an awfully, if not to say embarrassingly long processing time –
due to both the rather large size of the entry and some technical
problems – I can finally present to you the following entry, which
boasts a staggering 40000 lines:
p-Adic Fields and p-Adic Semialgebraic Sets
by Aaron Crighton
The field of p-adic numbers for a prime integer p is constructed. Basic
facts about p-adic topology including Hensel's Lemma are proved,
building on a prior submission by the author. The theory of
semialgebraic sets and semialgebraic functions on cartesian powers of
p-adic fields is also developed, following a formalization of these
concepts due to Denef. This is done towards a formalization of Denef's
proof of Macintyre's quantifier elimination theorem for p-adic fields.
Theories developing general multivariable polynomial rings over a
commutative ring are developed, as well as some general theory of
cartesian powers of an arbitrary ring.
Last updated: Feb 05 2025 at 16:23 UTC