From: Jakub Kądziołka <>
Good evening,
I have proven some lemmas that would probably fit into the Isabelle
distribution - a lower bound on the size of a set of natural numbers,
and a summation formula that counts how many times each value occurs.
By the way, I seem to be submitting mails like these somewhat often
lately; please let me know if I should be doing something to make this
more manageable.
Jakub Kądziołka
lemma max_ge_card: "finite S ⟹ Suc (Max S) ≥ card S"
proof (rule classical)
assume "finite S" and "¬ Suc (Max S) ≥ card S"
then have "Suc (Max S) < card S"
by simp
with finite S
have "S ⊆ {0..Max S}"
by auto
hence "card S ≤ card {0..Max S}"
by (intro card_mono; auto)
thus "card S ≤ Suc (Max S)"
by simp
lemma nat_sum_ge_card_sum:
shows "∑ {0..<card S} ≤ ∑ S"
proof (cases "finite S")
case True
then show ?thesis
proof (induction "card S" arbitrary: S)
case (Suc x)
then have "Max S ≥ x" using max_ge_card by fastforce
let ?S' = "S - {Max S}"
from Suc have "Max S ∈ S" by (auto intro: Max_in)
hence cards: "card S = Suc (card ?S')"
using finite S
by (intro card.remove; auto)
hence "∑ {0..<card ?S'} ≤ ∑ ?S'"
using Suc by (intro Suc; auto)
hence "∑ {0..<card ?S'} + x ≤ ∑ ?S' + Max S"
using Max S ≥ x
by simp
also have "... = ∑ S"
using sum.remove[OF finite S
Max S ∈ S
, where g="λx. x"]
by simp
finally show ?case
using cards Suc by auto
qed simp
qed simp
lemma sum_count:
assumes "finite S" "finite R" "g S ⊆ R"
shows "(∑x ∈ S. f (g x)) = (∑y ∈ R. of_nat (card {x ∈ S. g x = y}) * f y)"
proof -
let ?r = "relation_of (λp q. g p = g q) S"
have eqv: "equiv S ?r"
unfolding relation_of_def by (auto intro: comp_equivI)
have finite: "C ∈ S//?r ⟹ finite C" for C
by (fact finite_equiv_class[OF
finite S equiv_type[OF
equiv S ?r`]])
have disjoint: "A ∈ S//?r ⟹ B ∈ S//?r ⟹ A ≠ B ⟹ A ∩ B = {}" for A B
using eqv quotient_disj by blast
let ?cls = "λy. {x ∈ S. y = g x}"
have quot_as_img: "S//?r = ?cls g
by (auto simp add: relation_of_def quotient_def)
have cls_inj: "inj_on ?cls (g ` S)"
by (auto intro: inj_onI)
have rest_0: "(∑y ∈ R - g S. of_nat (card (?cls y)) * f y) = 0"
(is "?rest = 0")
proof -
fix y
assume "y ∈ R - g
then have *: "?cls y = {}"
by auto
have "of_nat (card (?cls y)) * f y = 0"
unfolding * by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
have "(∑x ∈ S. f (g x)) = (∑C ∈ S//?r. ∑x ∈ C. f (g x))"
using eqv finite disjoint
by (simp flip: sum.Union_disjoint[simplified] add: Union_quotient)
also have "... = (∑y ∈ g S. ∑x ∈ ?cls y. f (g x))"
unfolding quot_as_img by (simp add: sum.reindex[OF cls_inj])
also have "... = (∑y ∈ g
S. ∑x ∈ ?cls y. f y)"
by auto
also have "... = (∑y ∈ g S. of_nat (card (?cls y)) * f y)"
by (simp flip: sum_constant)
also have "... = (∑y ∈ R. of_nat (card (?cls y)) * f y)"
using rest_0 by (simp add: sum.subset_diff[OF ‹g
S ⊆ R› ‹finite R›])
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: eq_commute)
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
Thank you for your contributions, they will be added shortly.
Yes, the process of submitting contributions like yours needs to be improved.
From: Tobias Nipkow <>
I added and renamed your lemmas:
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC