From: Isabelle Perseil <>
Workshop held in conjunction with FM 2011
The 17th International Symposium on
Formal Methods
june 20th, 2011
Limerick, Ireland
Extended Submission deadline: April 30th, 2011
Many interest groups from a research perspective are in favour of the
creation of this workshop.
For more than a decade now, the two communities of UML and formal methods
have been working together to produce a simultaneously practical (via UML)
and rigorous (via formal methods) approach to software engineering.
UML is the de facto standard for modelling various aspects of software
systems in both industry and academia, despite the inconvenience that its
current specification is complex and its syntax imprecise.
The fact that the UML semantics is too informal have led many researchers
to formalize it with all kinds of existing formal languages, like OCL, Z,
B, CSP, VDM, Petri Nets, UPPAAL, HOL, Coq, PVS etc.
This fourth edition of the workshop will be open to various subjects as
the main objective is to encourage new initiatives of building bridges
between informal, semi-formal and formal notations.
This workshop seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners
interested in all aspects of integrating UML and formal methods. To this
end, we solicit papers (no more than 8 pages long) related to, but not
limited to, the following principal topics:
· Consistent specifications, model transformations (QVT technologies,
transformation repositories). Transformations to make models more
analyzable so as to make them executable.
· Automation of traceability through transformations
· Refinement techniques: developing detailed design from a UML
abstract specification
· Refinement of OCL specification as well
· Formal reasoning on models for code generation
· Technologies for compositional verification of models
· Specification of a formal semantics for the UML.
Giving an abstract syntax to UML diagrams
· Formal validation and verification of software
· Co-modeling methods formal/informal mapping techniques
· End-to-end methodologies or software process
engineering,correct-by-construction design providing and
supporting tools for safety-critical embedded systems design
Workshop Format
This full-day workshop will consist of an introduction of the topic by the
workshop organizers, presentations of accepted papers, and in depth
discussion of previously identified subjects emerging from the
submissions. A summary of the discussions will be made available.
Submission and Publication
To contribute, please send a position paper or a technical paper at:
Papers should not exceed 8 pages . Submitted manuscripts should be in
English and formatted in the style of the ISSE Format. Please, follow the
guidelines at the "For authors and editors" heading in the ISSE website
All accepted papers will be published in a special issue of ISSE NASA
journal (Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering).
Slides will be made available through the workshop website.
Submission deadline: April 30th, 2011
All Notification of acceptance: May 20th, 2011
Camera ready copy : June 15th, 2011
Workshop date : June 20th, 2011
Final copy for ISSE proceedings : Sept 01st, 2011
Organizational sponsors :
Organizers and Programme Steering committee:
IEEE CS Coordinator:
Mike Hinchey (Lero and NASA GSFC , Ireland)
PC Chairs:
Program Committee:
Nazareno Aguirre (Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina) - Marc
Aiguier (Ecole Centrale Paris, France)
Yamine Ait Ameur (LISI / ENSMA, France)
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC