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Topic: [isabelle] 2 PhD/Research assistant positions at LMU Munich

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 17 2022 at 14:15):

From: Lennart Beringer <>
The Institute for Computer Science at the University of Munich offers

2 PhD studentships/research assistant positions

with effect of June, 1st, 2006, or as soon as possible. Both
positions are available in the DFG funded project ``InfoZert -
specification, verification, and certification of information flow'',
and are in the first instance for a duration of two years.

The aim of the project is to develop a proof-carrying code
architecture, where programs are equipped with formal proofs which
certify the absence of flow of private data to public agents. We offer
the opportunity to work on theoretically challenging and practically
relevant topics in a young group in an international research
environment, and collaboration with an industrial research group
(Siemens). Candidates are expected to have earned a good first degree
in computer science or a closely related subject. Applications by
candidates with a strong background in

are particularly welcome. One of the positions is intended for a PhD
student, while the other one would also be suitable for a
post-doctorate. Renumeration will be according to age and
qualification, following the German public service payment scheme (BAT

To apply please send as soon as possible, but no later than April 30,
2006, a letter of application to the address given below, including a
CV, degree certificates, and contact details of at least one
referee. The University of Munich is an equal opportunities employer
and aims to increase the ratio of women in academia. We therefore
particularly encourage female candidates to apply. Applications of
handicapped candidates are treated with priority.

For further enquiries, please contact Lennart Beringer, PhD or
Dr.~Alexander Knapp, Institut fuer Informatik,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Oettingenstrasse 67,
80538 Muenchen, and

Last updated: Jan 04 2025 at 20:18 UTC