From: "" <>
Dear experts:
I meet a problem on the termination of a function, which is due to higher-order function:( map) and
(may be) uniterpretated functions. I really appreciate if you can do me a favour.
theory test imports Main Finite_Set
datatype varType=Global string | Para string nat
datatype expType= IVar varType |
Const nat |
Index nat |
iteForm formula expType expType |
funExp string "expType list" |
oracleFun string "expType list"
formula = eqn expType expType|
pred string "expType list" |
oraclePred string "expType list" |
andForm formula formula |
neg formula|
orForm formula formula |
implyForm formula formula |
type_synonym state= "varType \<Rightarrow> nat "
type_synonym expTypeList=" expType list"
type_synonym natList=" nat list"
consts oracleFunInterPretation::"string \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow>nat"
oraclePredInterPretation::"string \<Rightarrow> nat list\<Rightarrow>bool"
function expEval :: " state\<Rightarrow> expType \<Rightarrow> nat" and
formEval :: " state\<Rightarrow>formula \<Rightarrow>bool" where
evalIVar:"expEval s (IVar ie) = ( s ie)" |
evalConst:"expEval s (Const i) = i" |
evalIndex:"expEval s (Index i) = i" |
evalIteForm:"expEval s (iteForm f e1 e2)=
( if (formEval s f ) then (expEval s e1)
else (expEval s e2 ))" |
evalFunExp:"expEval s (funExp opStr exps)=
(if (opStr=''+'') then (expEval s (exps!0) ) + (expEval s (exps!1) )
else (expEval s (exps!0) ) - (expEval s (exps!1) ))" |
evalOracleFunExp:"expEval s (oracleFun opStr exps) = oracleFunInterPretation opStr (map (expEval s) exps)"|
evalOraclePred:"formEval s (oraclePred opStr exps)= oraclePredInterPretation opStr (map (expEval s) exps)"|
"formEval s (pred opStr exps)=
(if (opStr=''<'') then (expEval s (exps!0) ) < (expEval s (exps!1) )
else if (opStr=''>'') then (expEval s (exps!0) ) > (expEval s (exps!1) )
else True)" |
evalExp: "formEval s (eqn e1 e2)= ((expEval s e1 ) = (expEval s e2 ))" |
evalAnd: "formEval s ( andForm f1 f2) =( (formEval s f1 ) \<and> (formEval s f2 ))"|
evalNeg: "formEval s (neg f1 ) = ( \<not>(formEval s f1 ))"|
evalOr: "formEval s (orForm f1 f2) =( (formEval s f1 ) \<or> (formEval s f2 ))"|
evalImp:"formEval s (implyForm f1 f2) = ( (formEval s f1 ) \<longrightarrow> (formEval s f2 ))" |
"formEval s chaos =True"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by lexicographic_order
For your convenience, I also attaches the file.
From: "" <>
Dear experts:
I meet a problem on the termination of a function, which is due to higher-order function:( map) and
(may be) uniterpretated functions. I really appreciate if you can do me a favour.
theory test imports Main Finite_Set
datatype varType=Global string | Para string nat
datatype expType= IVar varType |
Const nat |
Index nat |
iteForm formula expType expType |
funExp string "expType list" |
oracleFun string "expType list"
formula = eqn expType expType|
pred string "expType list" |
oraclePred string "expType list" |
andForm formula formula |
neg formula|
orForm formula formula |
implyForm formula formula |
type_synonym state= "varType \<Rightarrow> nat "
type_synonym expTypeList=" expType list"
type_synonym natList=" nat list"
consts oracleFunInterPretation::"string \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow>nat"
oraclePredInterPretation::"string \<Rightarrow> nat list\<Rightarrow>bool"
function expEval :: " state\<Rightarrow> expType \<Rightarrow> nat" and
formEval :: " state\<Rightarrow>formula \<Rightarrow>bool" where
evalIVar:"expEval s (IVar ie) = ( s ie)" |
evalConst:"expEval s (Const i) = i" |
evalIndex:"expEval s (Index i) = i" |
evalIteForm:"expEval s (iteForm f e1 e2)=
( if (formEval s f ) then (expEval s e1)
else (expEval s e2 ))" |
evalFunExp:"expEval s (funExp opStr exps)=
(if (opStr=''+'') then (expEval s (exps!0) ) + (expEval s (exps!1) )
else (expEval s (exps!0) ) - (expEval s (exps!1) ))" |
evalOracleFunExp:"expEval s (oracleFun opStr exps) = oracleFunInterPretation opStr (map (expEval s) exps)"|
evalOraclePred:"formEval s (oraclePred opStr exps)= oraclePredInterPretation opStr (map (expEval s) exps)"|
"formEval s (pred opStr exps)=
(if (opStr=''<'') then (expEval s (exps!0) ) < (expEval s (exps!1) )
else if (opStr=''>'') then (expEval s (exps!0) ) > (expEval s (exps!1) )
else True)" |
evalExp: "formEval s (eqn e1 e2)= ((expEval s e1 ) = (expEval s e2 ))" |
evalAnd: "formEval s ( andForm f1 f2) =( (formEval s f1 ) \<and> (formEval s f2 ))"|
evalNeg: "formEval s (neg f1 ) = ( \<not>(formEval s f1 ))"|
evalOr: "formEval s (orForm f1 f2) =( (formEval s f1 ) \<or> (formEval s f2 ))"|
evalImp:"formEval s (implyForm f1 f2) = ( (formEval s f1 ) \<longrightarrow> (formEval s f2 ))" |
"formEval s chaos =True"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by lexicographic_order
For your convenience, I also attaches the file.
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
The problem is that your function might indeed not terminate. The problem is that your
case for funExp takes a list of subexpressions, but there are no checks that there are
indeed sufficiently many operands in the list (which you access with ! 0 and ! 1). If,
say, the list of subexpressions is empty, then ! 0 is not specified and could in theory
return the same expression again. Either you change your datatype to make sure that there
are always sufficiently many operands or include checks in the function definition.
Hope this helps,
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
The problem is that your function might indeed not terminate. The problem is that your
case for funExp takes a list of subexpressions, but there are no checks that there are
indeed sufficiently many operands in the list (which you access with ! 0 and ! 1). If,
say, the list of subexpressions is empty, then ! 0 is not specified and could in theory
return the same expression again. Either you change your datatype to make sure that there
are always sufficiently many operands or include checks in the function definition.
Hope this helps,
From: "" <>
I modify the thy file as you pointed out
it does work now.
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC