From: Tobias Nipkow <>
Today I have added two articles by Roelof Oosterhuis into the
development branch of the AFP:
Note that they are not visible in the 2005 version of the AFP. They will
appear in the development snapshot of the AFP in a few days.
From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Just published at the Archive of Formal Proofs is an entry entitled
Recursion Theory I by Michael Nedzelsky. The formalization of more
recursion theory would certainly be welcome.
Larry Paulson
Entry name:
This document presents the formalization of introductory material from
recursion theory --- definitions and basic properties of primitive
functions, Cantor pairing function and computably enumerable sets
(including a proof of existence of a one-complete computably
enumerable set
and a proof of the Rice's theorem).
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC