From: Christian Urban <>
Journal of Automated Reasoning
Special issue on Binding, Substitution and Naming
First Call for Papers
Mathematical treatments of concrete syntax have always been a central
concern in symbolic computation, programming language implementation
and computer-aided reasoning. Theories of abstract syntax have proved
harder to find, especially those addressing properties related to
substituting structures for variables, binding of names and fresh
name generation. This special issue is devoted to papers describing
recent advances in this area. Submissions are encouraged, but not
limited to, the following topics:
logical frameworks, meta-languages and tools that aid reasoning
about substitution and binding
new formalisation techniques for languages involving binders
mechanised meta-theory of calculi involving binding and fresh
name generation
logic-based, categorical or set-based theories of names and binding
Manuscripts should be unpublished works and not submitted
elsewhere. Revised and enhanced versions of papers published in
conference proceedings that have not appeared in archival journals
are eligible for submission. All submissions will be reviewed
according to the high standards of scholarship and originality
characteristic of the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Submissions are due October 1, 2009. Papers should be in pdf format
following the JAR guidelines for authors, see
We encourage authors to keep their submissions below 25 pages. Authors
should submit their papers electronically via Easychair, see
Guest Editors:
Christian Urban and Maribel Fernandez
(TU Munich,King's College London)
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC