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Topic: [isabelle] Can I define direct sum of sets in R^n and R^m

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:24):

From: grechukbogdan <>
Dear Isabelle Users

If A and B are sets, direct sum C of A and B is a set of pairs (a, b) where a \in A and b \in B.
My first question – is this direct sum defined somewhere in Isabelle?

Now, in my case A is a subset of R^n and B is a subset of R^m. In this case, clearly, C is a subset of R^{n+m}. Currently, finite Cartesian product R^n formalized as type real^'n where 'n is some finite type. Now, is it possible to say that C is a subset of real^('n+'m) ? It seems that I can add types (theory Sum_Type), so I would imagine definition of direct sum as a function from (real^'n, real^'m) to real^('n+'m) such that first n coordinates of sum(x, y) coincides with x, and the next m coordinates - with y. Any ideas how to write down such a definition, which theories to look at, or may be suggestions how to formalize this in a different, more convenient way, would be appreciated.

Bogdan Grechuk

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:24):

From: Tobias Nipkow <>
grechukbogdan schrieb:

Dear Isabelle Users

If A and B are sets, direct sum C of A and B is a set of pairs (a, b) where a \in A and b \in B.
My first question – is this direct sum defined somewhere in Isabelle?

Yes. It is written "A <> B". See Product_Type.thy. (Search for "<>")

Now, in my case A is a subset of R^n and B is a subset of R^m. In this case, clearly, C is a subset of R^{n+m}.

I'm afraid not the way that these types are defined in HOL. C is only
isomorphic to R^(n+m). You can spell out the type isomorphism explicitly
or define a special product construction on finite Cartesian products.
In either case I leave it to the experts to show you how to do it.


Currently, finite Cartesian product R^n formalized as type real^'n where 'n is some finite type. Now, is it possible to say that C is a subset of real^('n+'m) ? It seems that I can add types (theory Sum_Type), so I would imagine definition of direct sum as a function from (real^'n, real^'m) to real^('n+'m) such that first n coordinates of sum(x, y) coincides with x, and the next m coordinates - with y. Any ideas how to write down such a definition, which theories to look at, or may be suggestions how to formalize this in a different, more convenient way, would be appreciated.

Bogdan Grechuk

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:25):

From: Lawrence Paulson <>
Once again, this formalisation of finite Cartesian products is showing itself to be unsuitable for abstract mathematics. It is only useful if you intend to work in one fixed dimension. I hope it isn't used extensively.

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:25):

From: Tobias Nipkow <>
Lawrence Paulson schrieb:

Once again, this formalisation of finite Cartesian products is showing itself to be unsuitable for abstract mathematics.

I'm interested: how do you model the problem in any formalism such that
A^m * B^n = A^(m+n) without resorting to an explicit isomorphism along
the way? Unless I am mistaken, the datatypes you provide in your
formalization of ZF do not do the job either.

It is only useful if you intend to work in one fixed dimension. I hope it isn't used extensively.

It is. Luckily it works quite well for concrete mathematics.



On 28 Jun 2010, at 17:56, grechukbogdan wrote:

If A and B are sets, direct sum C of A and B is a set of pairs (a, b) where a \in A and b \in B.
My first question – is this direct sum defined somewhere in Isabelle?

Now, in my case A is a subset of R^n and B is a subset of R^m. In this case, clearly, C is a subset of R^{n+m}. Currently, finite Cartesian product R^n formalized as type real^'n where 'n is some finite type. Now, is it possible to say that C is a subset of real^('n+'m) ? It seems that I can add types (theory Sum_Type), so I would imagine definition of direct sum as a function from (real^'n, real^'m) to real^('n+'m) such that first n coordinates of sum(x, y) coincides with x, and the next m coordinates - with y. Any ideas how to write down such a definition, which theories to look at, or may be suggestions how to formalize this in a different, more convenient way, would be appreciated.

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:25):

From: Johannes Hölzl <>
Am Montag, den 28.06.2010, 20:56 +0400 schrieb grechukbogdan:

Dear Isabelle Users

If A and B are sets, direct sum C of A and B is a set of pairs (a, b) where a \in A and b \in B.
My first question – is this direct sum defined somewhere in Isabelle?

This is defined in Isabelle/HOL as "A \<times> B" or "A <*>B" (in

Now, in my case A is a subset of R^n and B is a subset of R^m. In this case, clearly, C is a subset
of R^{n+m}. Currently, finite Cartesian product R^n formalized as type real^'n where 'n is some finite
type. Now, is it possible to say that C is a subset of real^('n+'m) ? It seems that I can add types
(theory Sum_Type), so I would imagine definition of direct sum as a function from (real^'n, real^'m)
to real^('n+'m) such that first n coordinates of sum(x, y) coincides with x, and the next m coordinates
- with y. Any ideas how to write down such a definition, which theories to look at, or may be suggestions
how to formalize this in a different, more convenient way, would be appreciated.

In the current _development_ version of Isabelle (unfortunately not in
Isabelle2009-2) real^'n is a euclidean space. When we add the type class
instantiation for products of euclidean spaces:

instantiation * :: (real_basis, real_basis) real_basis

instantiation * :: (euclidean_space, euclidean_space) euclidean_space

instantiation * :: (ordered_euclidean_space, ordered_euclidean_space) ordered_euclidean_space

(with the appropriate definition for basis etc)

This should be a very convenient way as no isomorphisms need to be
specified to transfer between real^'n * real^'m and real^('n + 'm).
Everything including integration was updated to operate on euclidean

This is already proved in Isabelle, I will push it tomorrow.


Bogdan Grechuk

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:37):

From: grechukbogdan <>
Dear Johannes

I have download the last Development Snapshot from

It is called Isabelle_01-Jul-2010.tar.gz

( By the way, website says that "version is built automatically every night from the repository sources." -- why the last version is July 1 not July 5th ?)

Are your changes included in this version already?
( I see new theory Cartesian_Euclidean_Space.thy, but I do not see something like
instantiation * :: (euclidean_space, euclidean_space) euclidean_space

If your changes are there, how exactly can I use this?
For example, what is now a correct formulation of the following lemma

Lemma: If A :: (real^'n set) is convex, and B :: (real^'m set) is convex, then A <*>B is a convex set in real^('n + 'm).

Will Isabelle automatically understand that if A :: (real^'n set) and B :: (real^'m set), then A <*>B lives in real^('n + 'm) ?


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:37):

From: Johannes Hölzl <>
I don't know why the Isabelle snapshots are not updated, however when
you directly clone the mercurial repository
you get a version with the euclidean spaces.

Lemma: If A :: (real^'n set) is convex, and B :: (real^'m set) is
convex, then A <*>B is a convex set in real^('n + 'm).

Does not work, as real^'n * real^'m = real^('n + 'm), however you can

fixes A :: "'a::euclidean_space set"
fixes B :: "'b::euclidean_space set"
assumes "convex A" and "convex B"
shows "convex (A <*> B)"

Of course now "A <*> B" is of type A * B, which is also in the
euclidean_space type class.

Probably you need to update you theories to use euclidean space instead
of real^'n. The changes are usual very easy, rewrite "x :: real^'n" to
"x :: 'n :: euclidean_space" (or ordered_euclidean_space)

\<chi> _ . _ -> \<chi>\<chi> _ . _ _ $ _ -> _ $$ _

The theorem names shouldn't be a problem. Sometimes you need to add the
assumption that a index is < DIM('a) as the indices are now more
selected from a finite type but just natural numbers.

Hope this helps!


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 18 2022 at 15:38):

From: Makarius <>
Because that build may fail, and even if it succeeds the result may be up
to surprises. Embarking on snapshots or raw repository versions means you
stop being a user and become an alpha/beta tester instead. Any problems
you encounter can be discussed on the isabelle-dev mailing list.


Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC