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Topic: [isabelle] CfP: International Workshop on MILS: Architect...

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From: Holger Blasum <>
Dear isabelle-users,

below is a CfP for MILS, as an architecture amenable to formal
verification, such as Isabelle/HOL.

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International Workshop on MILS: Architecture and Assurance for Secure
Amsterdam, 20.01.2015
co-located with the HiPEAC Conference 2015






You are invited to submit your contribution to the International
Workshop on MILS.

MILS* is a high-assurance security architecture based on the concepts of
separation and controlled information flow. The MILS architectural
approach is all about decomposition of a system design into
well-understood components and their interactions with the goal to
achieve composable security and composable assurance for the designed

The security and assurance composability is a grand challenge which we
undertake to meet using the MILS architectural approach.

Security composition seeks to define a secure system from trustworthy
components and system architecture. The framework for composable
security is a separation kernel (which has overlapping functionality
with a hypervisor) that creates partitions to separate different
security domains. Such a separation kernel often needs to support
real-time because there are many use-cases in embedded systems.

An assurance composition targets creating assurance argument for the
overall system from arguments of its components and system's security
architecture. We selected Common Criteria to define such a composable
assurance framework for MILS system. Amongst others, at the workshop a
MILS System Protection Profile draft for a MILS separation kernel will
be presented and discussed.

The workshop topics are but not limited to:

MILS architectural approach for security and safety
MILS components and eco-system
MILS use-cases, e.g. from avionics, automotive, communications,
industrial automation, medical, railway, consumer and similar domains.
Real-time separation kernels
MILS certification
MILS testing and vulnerability analysis of MILS systems
Cross-European/world-wide high-assurance security
Formal methods for MILS systems as a basis for high assurance

Paper/Presentation submission

Submissions do not need to be full papers: this is a workshop and we are
looking for interesting experience, work, and ideas (possibly
preliminary and exploratory) that will stimulate discussion and thought.
Submissions should be in PDF format between 3-12 pages.
We recommend the guidelines for ACM SIG Proceedings.

Electronic Submissions

The submissions page at Easychair is open:


Sergey Tverdyshev, SYSGO AG, Germany

FP7 EURO-MILS project

Workshop committee

Romain Bergé, ITSEF Thales, France
Igor Furgel, ITSEF T-Systems, Germany
Kevin Müller, Airbus Group Innovations, Germany
Michael Paulitsch, Thales, Austria
Joseph Bergmann, The Open Group, UK
Rance DeLong, The Open Group, UK
Harald Rueß, Fortiss, Germany
Andreas Lindinger, Continental Corporation, Germany
Sergey Tverdyshev, SYSGO, Germany


Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC