From: José Manuel Rodriguez Caballero <>
Dear Manuel,
Thank you by your reference. After looking for "Corrigendum" in Elsevier
website, I found the following mathematical paper with an gap:
Pelantová, E., and Š. Starosta. "On Brlek-Reutenauer conjecture."
Theoretical Computer Science 41.412 (2011): 5649-5655.
the correction is here:
Nevertheless, this mistake was not found using a proof assistant, so it do
not count. By the way, S. Brlek and C. Reutenauer were my research advisor
during my Master degree. The complete list of Corrigendum is here:
Another interesting source of gaps is Solomon Lefschetz' first
comprehensive treatise on topology, a highly influential book in which he
coined the term "algebraic topology," hardly contains one completely
correct proof. It was rumored that it had been written during one of
Lefschetz' sabbaticals ... when his students did not have the opportunity
to revise it. He was a genius, but legend had it that he never wrote a
correct proof or stated an incorrect theorem.
In the case of journals for high school and undergraduate students like The
Mathematical Gazette or American Mathematical Monthly, it is important to
notice the mistakes and to inform to the editor in order to contribute to
the education of the new generations.
Kind Regards,
Jose M.
Message: 2
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC