From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Dear HOL-Analysis experts,
Suppose I have a countable family (f_j)_j of bounded sequences of the reals, say
f :: nat => nat => real
with a <= f n x <= b for all n, x. Here, f's first argument is the family index and the
second argument is the sequence index. Then, there should be a subsequence of f that
converges pointwise for every family index, i.e., a k :: nat => nat such that subseq k and
(%n. f j (k n)) converges for every j. (See, e.g.,
for a proof).
Is there already somewhere in the Isabelle library a proof of this fact? Or something that
makes a short proof? Or do I have to formalise the diagonalisation argument myself?
From: Johannes Hölzl <>
Hi Andreas,
I didn't look at it in details, but does Fabian's diagonal subsequence
help you? It looks similar.
- Johannes
From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Hi Fabian and Johannes,
Thanks for the pointer. This works nicely.
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 20:20 UTC