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Topic: [isabelle] FHIES 2011: Deadline Extended

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From: Lutz Schroeder <>
[Thanks for distributing the announcement below.]

The submission deadlines for the International Symposium on
Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems FHIES 2011
have been extended to

Abstract Submission: 12 June 2011
Paper Submission: 19 June 2011

The call for papers is below.

FHIES 2011
International Symposium on
Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems
27-29 August 2011 Mabalingwe Nature Reserve, South Africa
(Colocated with ICTAC 2011)

Information and communication technology plays an increasingly enabling
role in addressing the global challenges of healthcare, in both the
developed and the developing world, that are the concern of the United
Nations, its Peoples and Members States. The use of software in medical
devices is already raising issues in relation to safety and efficacy for
manufacturers and regulators. Health information systems raise issues
of both privacy and confidentiality, on the one hand, and, increasingly,
patient safety on the other. Hospital and other information systems
raise important issues of efficacy and interoperability. However, to
capitalize on the potential of this technology in reshaping healthcare
demands focused research on sound and safe development techniques from
software engineering, electronic engineering, computing science,
information science, mathematics, and industrial engineering.

The purpose of the new symposium series on Foundations of Software
Engineering Health Informatics (FHIES) is to promote a nascent research
area that aims to develop and apply theories and techniques in computing
science and software engineering to modelling, building and certifying
software based systems in the application domain of healthcare. Many of
these systems are already regulated in many jurisdictions and many more
of them will become regulated in the future.

Research on theories, techniques and tools of software modelling,
verification and validation has been an important area of computer
science and software engineering, known as Formal Methods. This research
addresses the challenging problem of design and certification of safety
or mission critical software systems through abstraction and
decomposition techniques based on the use of mathematical modelling
theories and sound engineering methods. Formal methods have primarily
addressed the correctness of systems used in the industrial, financial,
and defence applications. However, they have recently found application
in modelling and analysis of complex systems that involve interacting
behaviour of many kinds of objects and agents, including software
systems, physical objects and humans. The models of these systems have
both discrete and continuous behaviour, and both qualitative and
quantitative (e.g., spatial timing and probabilistic) properties. It is
believed that these methods can be used for modelling problems of health
informatics, which presents the challenge of scalability. Software plays
a critical role in sustainable health care, both as part of the solution
and as part of the problem. Software intensive information systems are
needed to support the collection and processing of vast amounts of data
via different devices, and allow policy makers to access and share these
data, and to support their decision making and validation. Software
systems can be developed for managing, controlling and monitoring
policies, processes and workflows in medical systems. Software systems
can be developed to help create the sophisticated medical devices that
are simply impossible to build without the software. On the other hand,
the application of software raises challenging issues in safety,
security and privacy, and increases the complexity of healthcare
workflows and the need for new business policies.

Paper Submissions

We solicit high quality submissions reporting on

1. original research contributions (18 pages maximum in LNCS format)
2. application experience, case studies and software prototypes (18
pages maximum in LNCS format)

3. surveys, comparisons, and state-of-the-art reports (18 pages
maximum in LNCS format)

4. position papers that define research projects with identified
challenges and milestones (10 pages maximum in LNCS format)

5. proposals for panel discussions, with at least three named
panellists, about a topical question (5 pages maximum in LNCS format).

All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution
to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the
conference. Submissions should be in English, prepared in the LNCS
format. Papers should be submitted at Submission
constitutes a commitment to attend and present a paper, if accepted.

All accepted papers will be included in the pre-event proceedings of the
symposium and considered for EXCEPT FOR the proposals for panel
discussions inclusion in a special issue of the Springer Innovations in
Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE), following revision and re-review.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission 12 June 2011
Paper Submission 19 June 2011
Notification of acceptance 18 July 2011
Final copy for proceedings 7 August 2011
FHIES 2011 29-30 August 2011


General Chairs

* Peter Haddawy, UNU-IIST, Macao
* Tom Maibaum, McMaster University, Canada

Programme Chairs

* Zhiming Liu, UNU-IIST, Macao
* Alan Wassyng, McMaster University, Canada

Organising Chair

* Hao Wang, UNU-IIST, Macao

Program Committee

* Syed Mohamed Aljunid, UNU-IIGH
* Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada

* Peter Haddawy, UNU-IIST, Macao
* Jozef Hooman, Embedded Systems Institute and Radboud University
Nijmegen, The Netherlands

* Michaela Huhn, TU Clausthal, Germany
* Mark Lawford, McMaster University, Canada
* Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, USA
* Martin Leucker, TU Munich, Germany
* Wendy MacCaull, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
* Tom Maibaum, McMaster University, Canada
* Dominique Mery, LORIA and Universite Henri Poincare Nancy 1, France
* Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
* David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK
* Lutz Schröder, DFKI Bremen and University of Bremen, Germany
* Jens H. Weber, University of Victoria, Canada
* Liang Xiao, Hubei University of Technology, P.R.China

Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 20:20 UTC