From: Christopher Hoskin <>
I'm trying to define and work with the Lower Topology on a partially
ordered set (Gierz et al, Definition III-1.1).
The following works:
theory Scratch
imports HOL.Lattices Main HOL.Topological_Spaces
class lower_topology = order + "open" +
assumes open_generated_order: "open = generate_topology (range (λJ.
{K. ¬J≤K}))"
subclass topological_space
unfolding open_generated_order
by (rule topological_space_generate_topology)
However, I also want to work with the concept of a topological basis,
and add "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Topology" to the list of imports.
This seems to break my definition of the lower topology - class
, unfolding
and end
are all underlined in red, and I
have the following error message:
Type unification failed: Variable 'a::lower_topology not of sort
Failed to meet type constraint:
Term: open :: ??'a set ⇒ bool
Type: 'a set ⇒ bool
Coercion Inference:
Local coercion insertion on the operand failed:
Variable 'a::lower_topology not of sort topological_space
Now trying to infer coercions globally.
Coercion inference failed:
failed to unify invariant arguments
Variable 'a::lower_topology not of sort topological_space
The same problem occurs if I omit importing HOL.Topological_Spaces
and just import "HOL-Analysis.Elementary_Topology".
I'm afraid it's beyond my grasp of Isabelle's type system to
understand what is happening here?
Thanks for any suggestions,
From: Christopher Hoskin <>
Dear Manuel,
Thanks for the suggestion. I get the same error if I import
"HOL-Analysis.Analysis" (plus a huge performance hit - the time it
takes Isabelle to be ready to validate my session goes from about
20sec to 8 minutes).
My approach to the lower topology is modeled on the definition of the
in the Topological_spaces.thy
From: Christopher Hoskin <>
Dear Wenda,
Thank you for your lucid explanation. Your solution does indeed work.
The subclass topological_space...
block can then also be removed
since this is now in the definition.
Best wishes,
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC