From: Andreas Lochbihler <>
Dear list,
In Isabelle2017, the auto-indentation feature feels weird when there is I abort a proof
with oops. In detail, if there are command like section and text directly after an oops,
then Isabelle/jEdit always wants to indent the section or text command as far as the oops.
Here are two examples:
lemma False
section foo
lemma False
proof -
have False
section bar
What I would like is the following:
lemma False
section foo
lemma False
proof -
have False
section bar
Am I doing something wrong here or is this indentation behaviour just something that could
be improved in future releases?
From: Makarius <>
The 'oops' command is always apt to odd special cases. I don't know a
better way for Isabelle2017. It is something to be improved eventually.
BTW, commands like 'text' or 'section' were once more restricted in
there occurrences. Now they can occur anywhere and don't enforce a
particular indentation on there own, in contrast to theory commands like
'definition' or 'theorem'.
From: Christian Sternagel <>
Dear all,
just to revive this old thread, I came upon this odd indentation after
"oops" again today (using Isabelle2018). In my case I was surprised
about the indentation of "term" after "oops".
lemma "A ⟹ B"
term C
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 20:20 UTC