From: Josef Urban <>
PhD student Computer Science (1,0 fte)
Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Science, Institute for
Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS), Intelligent Systems
Maximum Salary: EUR 2,612 gross/month
Vacancy number: 62.58.10
Closing date: 30 September 2010
Job description
You will be working on the NWO project Learning2Reason, which aims to
improve computer-assisted reasoning technology using a machine
learning approach. To derive new knowledge from corpora of formally
expressed knowledge such as mathematical theorems and proofs, one uses
computer-assisted and automated reasoning methods. These symbolic (or
deductive) approaches typically suffer from a fast-growing search
space. Tailored machine learning approaches can help to control this
search space, e.g., by estimating the usefulness of existing lemmas
for proving a new result. Within the project, you will focus on the
state-of-the-art in machine learning, especially kernel-based methods
that are ideally suited to take into account the structure of formulas
and proofs (given as graphs or trees). Your task as a PhD student will
be to develop and further improve such machine learning techniques and
apply and test these on existing formal libraries.
You should meet the following requirements:
A master's degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Mathematics
or a related field, with a strong interest in machine learning
and/or proof assistants;
Commitment and a cooperative attitude;
The Radboud University Nijmegen is one of the leading academic
communities in the Netherlands. Renowned for its green campus, modern
buildings, and state-of-the-art equipment, it has nine faculties and
enrolls over 17.500 students in approximately 90 study programs. The
university is situated in the oldest Dutch city, close to the German
border, on the banks of the river Waal (a branch of the Rhine). The
city has a rich history and one of the liveliest city centres in the
Netherlands. The section Intelligent Systems of the Institute for
Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS) at the Radboud University
Nijmegen conducts research in both machine learning (subgroup headed
by Prof.dr. Tom Heskes) and proof assistants (subgroup headed by
Prof.dr. Herman Geuvers). The current project is right at the
interplay between these subgroups and combines the strengths of both
teams. iCIS in general and the section Intelligent Systems received
excellent scores at the latest national research assessment.
Conditions of employment
Employment: 1,0 fte
Maximum salary per month, based on a fulltime employment: € 2,612 gross/month
Starting at € 2,042 per month, the salary will increase to € 2,612 per
month in the fourth year.
PhD scale.
Additional conditions of employment
You will be appointed as a PhD student for a period of four
years. Your performance will be evaluated after 18 months. If the
evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years.
Additional Information
Prof.dr. Tom Heskes Prof.dr. Herman Geuvers
Telephone: +31 24 36 52696 Telephone: +31 24 36 52603
E-mail: E-mail:
You can apply for the job (mention the vacancy number 62.58.10) before
30 September 2010 by sending your application -preferably by email-
RU Nijmegen, FNWI, P&O, mrs. D. Reinders
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, NL
Telephone: +31 24 3652027
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC