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Topic: [isabelle] Qualified theory imports and isabelle jedit -l...

view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 15:55):

From: Florian Haftmann <>
Dear all,

when inspecting a »broken« session (let as assume, HOL-Number_Theory), I
used to invoke

isabelle jedit -l HOL-Number_Theory -R ../Number_Theory/Number_Theory.thy

and everything worked out smoothly.

With qualified theory imports emerged in future Isabelle2017, this is no
longer the case: theory »Residues« chokes on imports from HOL-Algebra.

Inspecting the corresponding session entry in src/HOL/ROOT:

session "HOL-Number_Theory" (timing) in Number_Theory = "HOL-Computational_Algebra" +


it seems to be the case that -R operates on the direct ancestor session
HOL-Computational_Algebra but not on the »side path« HOL-Algebra.

Is that intended? I have the feeling that the current behaviour would
diminish the usability of -R considerably.


view this post on Zulip Email Gateway (Aug 22 2022 at 16:06):

From: Makarius <>
This is indeed a bit strange. I have reverted this double interpretation
of "isabelle jedit -R" already (see Isabelle/e16b27bd3f76). So its
meaning is just this (see NEWS):

Errors in the exploration of dependencies are now merely shown as
warning on startup of the Prover IDE, so there is no special need for a
separate option to bypass that.


Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 01:36 UTC