From: Manfred Kerber <>
Job offer:
We (Colin Rowat - economics - and Manfred Kerber - computer science) are
looking for an RA (research assistant) with strong background in theorem
proving, logic, mathematical knowledge representation, and/or economics for
a project to apply automated theorem proving techniques to economics. In
the project we want to bridge between computer science and economics, reach
out to the two communities and explore in a wide range of ways (by applying
Isabelle, Theorema, sTeX, Leo inter alia) how formal and semi-formal
methods can be applied to particular problems in the field of economics.
The job ad can be found at:
(closing date 30 November 2011).
The project starts early 2011 (1 January the earliest) and runs for 30-36 months.
The EPSRC research grant details are at:
Three papers that exemplify the work we are going to automate and extend:
Further information can be obtained from
us at and
Manfred Kerber
| Manfred Kerber URL: |
| School of Computer Science e-mail: |
| The University of Birmingham Tel.: (+44)-121-414-4787 |
| Birmingham, B15 2TT, England Fax.: (+44)-121-414-4281 |
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC