From: Tobias Nipkow <>
We are looking for two Ph.D. students or postdoctoral researchers to work on
the DFG project "Proving Accountability in Traffic" (PAcT) that aims to
formalize traffic rules for automated vehicles in logic.
The funding is for 3 years.
The focus of the project is on developing new methods for the grand challenge
of guaranteeing legally correct maneuvers of automated vehicles. A special
focus will be a) on the formalization of traffic rules using logic and b) the
consideration of uncertainties in the future behavior of other traffic
participants as well as uncertainties originating from the object retrieval
of environment sensors (e.g. video cameras, LIDAR, RADAR, etc.). Using formal
verification techniques for hybrid systems should ensure legally correct
maneuvers despite the aforementioned uncertainties. Results should be
demonstrated in simulations and a real automated vehicle.
Job requirements:
- Excellent Master's degree or Ph.D in computer science, mathematics,
engineering, or related disciplines (e.g., physics).
- A solid grounding in logic.
- Experience in at least one of the following areas:
Theorem proving and formal verification.
Development of domain-specific languages.
Control theory, signals and systems.
The positions will be filled as soon as possible.
This is a joint project by Matthias Althoff
( and Tobias
Nipkow ( at the Technical University Munich. It
is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Remuneration will be according to the German public sector salary scale TV-L
E13 (starting at about 3400 Euros/month).
Applications should be sent to both
- Matthias Althoff <>
- Tobias Nipkow <>
in an email entitled "PAcT application", providing:
a research statement of about one page explaining how you think you
can contribute to the project,
the names of two referees.
Informal enquiries to either of us are welcome.
Matthias Althoff and Tobias Nipkow
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC