From: "Roggenbach M." <>
Dear friends,
it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in our Virtual WADT on
Wednesday, 29.4.2020
9.30 - 16.00 BST
to be held using the Zoom Software. Please share this invitation with your students and scientific friends: the more participants the better.
For more details, please see our webpage
As a physical meeting, the 25th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques 2020 will be co-located with ETAPS 2020 in Dublin. As ETAPS 2020 has been postponed due the pandemic, WADT 2020 will additionally happen as a virtual workshop, where a subset of the accepted abstracts will be presented. WADT focuses on the algebraic approach to system specification, which encompasses many aspects of the formal design of software systems.
The programme of the Virtual Worskhop, 29.4.2020, via Zoom is as follows:
#Session 1: (Chair: Alexander Knapp - for the 3rd talk: Andrea Corradini)
• 9.30 Conor Reynolds and Rosemary Monahan: Formalizing Institutions in the Coq Proof Assistant
• 10.00 Ionut Tutu, José Luiz Fiadeiro and Claudia Chirita: Dynamic reconfigurations through hybrid lenses
• 10.30 Tobias Rosenberger, Saddek Bensalem, Alexander Knapp and Markus Roggenbach: Unbabel your tools - Leveraging SPASS for UML
– break, with the possibility for some social conversations in the virtual conference room –
#Session 2: (Chair: Marieke Huismann)
• 11.30 Wytse Oortwijn: Verifying Distributed Systems by Abstracting Channel Interaction
• 12.00 Dominik Klumpp and Philip Lenzen: K and KIV - Towards Deductive Verification for Arbitrary Programming Languages
– lunch break –
#Session 3: (Chair: Markus Roggenbach)
• 14.00 Manisha Jain, Alexandre Madeira and Manuel A. Martins: Quotients and reductions in a simple Fuzzy Modal Logic
• 14.30 Navid Roux and Florian Rabe: Functorial Diagram Operators
• 15.00 Jan Bergstra and John Tucker: The wheel of rational numbers as an abstract data type
• 15.30 Filippo Bonchi, Robin Piedeleu, Pawel Sobocinski and Fabio Zanasi: From Linear to Concurrent Algebra: a Diagrammatic Approach
All times are given in British Summer Time (BST)
Not all papers that have been accepted for presentation at the physical workshop will be presented at the virtual workshop.
With kind regards,
Markus Roggenbach
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC