From: Moa Johansson <>
Call for participation:
Workshop on Inductive Theorem Proving 23-24 November 2013, Imperial College London.
(apologies for the short notice)
This workshop will be very informal and simply aim researchers interested in inductive theorem proving a chance to meet and exchange ideas. In addition to talks we hope for a lot of interaction between participants and an opportunity to actually try out some of the available theorem provers. There will be demos and tutorials on some of the current inductive theorem proving systems: Dafny (Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research), HipSpec (Dan Rosen et al. Chalmers) and Zeno (Will Sonnex et al, Imperial/Cambridge). We would also welcome talks on challenging problems for inductive provers as well as new directions of research.
Registration is by email to Sophia Drossopoulou:<>. Please register as soon as you can, but at the very latest by Friday 15/11.
If you would like to give a talk or do a system demo, please send your title and abstract to Moa Johansson:<>.
Rough schedule for the weekend (subject to change)
Saturday 10-17
Sunday 10-15
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 20:20 UTC