From: Lars Hupel <>
I found another problem involving nested case expressions:
lemma "set (if p then case q of (None, u) ⇒ [] | (Some s, u) ⇒ []
else []) = {}"
apply simp
In both Isabelle2014 and Isabelle/adaa430fc0f7, this prints:
Tactic failed
The error(s) above occurred for the goal statement⌂:
set (if p then case q of (None, u) ⇒ [] | (_, u) ⇒ [] else []) =
{x. ∃uu_ uua_. p ∧ (uua_, uu_) = q ∧
x ∈ set (case uua_ of None ⇒ [] | _ ⇒ [])}
A quick look into the simpset reveals that the simproc
'list_to_set_comprehension' is likely at fault. Indeed, after disabling
it, 'simp' goes through (doesn't solve the goal, though). Apparently the
simproc internally sets up some goal via 'Goal.prove' which it cannot solve.
From: Florian Haftmann <>
This seems (again) an indication, that either somebody invests some time
to restore that simproc, or make it optional alternatively.
From: Makarius <>
This old thread is still open.
I was at first confused, because the answer by Florian sounded like
another routine breakdown of Set_Comprehension_Pointfree.simproce, but
here it is List_to_Set_Comprehension.simproc, which looks much more
canonical and robust.
Here is again the example causing the crash:
lemma "set (if p then case q of (None, u) ⇒ [] | (Some s, u) ⇒ [] else []) = {}"
apply simp
The point of failure is here in the source
which may be easily seen by putting a print_tac before and after that
It is not immediately obvious to me, how to improve the simproc, but it
should be possible, after 2-3 rounds of careful study of the source.
In any case this is not relevant for Isabelle2015: the same failure
happens in Isabelle2014, so we don't have a regression.
Last updated: Feb 01 2025 at 20:19 UTC