From: Jose Manuel Rodriguez Caballero <>
Dear Isabelle users,
In "HOL-Algebra.Exponent" we find the following function:
definition multiplicity :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ nat" where
"multiplicity p x = (if finite {n. p ^ n dvd x} then Max {n. p ^ n dvd x} else 0)"
I would like to do computations in Isabelle of this function, e.g.,
value ‹multiplicity 2 12›
My strategy was to redefine this function in a recursive way
lemma multipl'_rec:
fixes n::nat and p::nat
assumes ‹n ≠ 0›
shows ‹(((n+1) div (p+2)))-1 < n›
by (smt add.commute add_diff_inverse_nat add_less_same_cancel2 assms div_less_dividend less_one linorder_neqE_nat nat_add_left_cancel_less not_add_less2 one_less_numeral_iff semiring_norm(76) zero_less_diff)
function multipl' :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat"
"multipl' p 0 = 0"
| "p+2 dvd n+1 ⟹ multipl' p n = Suc (multipl' p (((n+1) div (p+2)))-1)"
| "¬ (p+2 dvd n+1) ⟹ multipl' p n = 0"
apply simp+
apply (metis
apply metis
apply (metis Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_le_mono Suc_n_not_le_n add_Suc_right divides_aux_eq dvd_1_left
dvd_antisym le0)
apply metis
apply (metis
apply (metis prod.inject)
by metis
apply auto
show "multipl'_dom y"
if "multipl'_rel y (a, b)"
for a :: nat
and b :: nat
and y :: "nat × nat"
using that sorry
fun multipl :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where
‹multipl p n = multipl' (p-2) (n-1)›
and to prove that the new definition is equivalent to the old definition, i.e.,
lemma multipl_multiplicity:
fixes p::nat and n::nat
assumes ‹prime p› and ‹n ≠ 0›
shows ‹multipl p n = multiplicity p n›
Nevertheless, when I write
value ‹multipl 2 12›
I receive the following error message: "exception Match raised (line 10 of "generated code")"
Any suggestions in order to fix this problem? Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
José M.
From: Manuel Eberl <>
The problem is that the code generator cannot handle conditional
equations in a function definition. You will have to prove a code
equation that does explicit "if" instead.
By the way, I found the following code in an AFP entry
(Probabilistic_Prime_Tests/Fermat_Witness). I think I wrote this a while
ago. I should probably put this in the library, but until then, feel
free to use it.
definition divide_out :: "'a :: factorial_semiring \<Rightarrow> 'a
\<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> nat" where
"divide_out p x = (x div p ^ multiplicity p x, multiplicity p x)"
lemma fst_divide_out [simp]: "fst (divide_out p x) = x div p ^
multiplicity p x"
and snd_divide_out [simp]: "snd (divide_out p x) = multiplicity p x"
by (simp_all add: divide_out_def)
function divide_out_aux :: "'a :: factorial_semiring \<Rightarrow> 'a
\<times> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> nat" where
"divide_out_aux p (x, acc) =
(if x = 0 \<or> is_unit p \<or> \<not>p dvd x then (x, acc) else
divide_out_aux p (x div p, acc + 1))"
by auto
termination proof (relation "measure (\<lambda>(p, x, _). multiplicity p
fix p x :: 'a and acc :: nat
assume "\<not>(x = 0 \<or> is_unit p \<or> \<not>p dvd x)"
thus "((p, x div p, acc + 1), p, x, acc) \<in> measure (\<lambda>(p,
x, _). multiplicity p x)"
by (auto elim!: dvdE simp: multiplicity_times_same)
qed auto
lemmas [simp del] = divide_out_aux.simps
lemma divide_out_aux_correct:
"divide_out_aux p z = (fst z div p ^ multiplicity p (fst z), snd z +
multiplicity p (fst z))"
proof (induction p z rule: divide_out_aux.induct)
case (1 p x acc)
show ?case
proof (cases "x = 0 \<or> is_unit p \<or> \<not>p dvd x")
case False
have "x div p div p ^ multiplicity p (x div p) = x div p ^
multiplicity p x"
using False
by (subst dvd_div_mult2_eq [symmetric])
(auto elim!: dvdE simp: multiplicity_dvd multiplicity_times_same)
with False show ?thesis using 1
by (subst divide_out_aux.simps)
(auto elim: dvdE simp: multiplicity_times_same
qed (auto simp: divide_out_aux.simps multiplicity_unit_left
lemma divide_out_code [code]: "divide_out p x = divide_out_aux p (x, 0)"
by (simp add: divide_out_aux_correct divide_out_def)
lemma multiplicity_code [code]: "multiplicity p x = snd (divide_out_aux
p (x, 0))"
by (simp add: divide_out_aux_correct)
Last updated: Mar 07 2025 at 20:20 UTC