From: "Klein, Gerwin (Data61, Kensington NSW)" <>
Given the increased demand for working at home, I thought I’d check if I’m still current with the state of the art on making use of fast machines at work when you are on a smaller machine at home.
Is it still correct that VNC/rdesktop is the best method to work remotely with an Isabelle session? (assuming a fast connection).
Looking back a few years in the archives, there were some discussions about potentially running the PIDE protocol for jEdit or VSCode remotely between two machines, but I don’t think we got to that point yet. Is this correct?
I also remember hearing about the isabelle remote_build tool. Any experiences with that one?
Any other creative solutions that people have come up with?
I used Isabelle/JEdit remotely through X recently. It was between two campuses
in two cities, not sure if it would work via a broadband personal connection.
Somebody stated that X is oldschool but it did the trick.
From: Makarius <>
There is still a lot of work ahead to get it eventually. We have already
"isabelle server", but it still needs a wrapper for SSH and some support to
make it stay resident like the good old "GNU screen" tool.
On top of that one could imagine some "isabelle remote_build" tool that
interacts with remotely running builds: automatically synchronizing sources,
replacing changed jobs that are still running, but retaining unrelated jobs.
All that should be integrated into Isabelle/jEdit, which runs locally as
before. Download of resulting images could be an optional add-on.
Note that VScode is not really on the critical path: for my taste it is moving
a bit too fast in no particular direction. Instead of using VSCode directly,
my current attitude is to re-implement some of its best ideas in Isabelle/jEdit.
I am particularly thinking of fully integrated editing / versioning / building
all in Isabelle/jEdit.
Last updated: Feb 18 2025 at 20:19 UTC