Ballarin's Locales: A Module System for Mathematical Theories includes:
theory LocalesModuleSystem
imports Main
locale partial_order =
fixes S and le (infixl "⊑" 50)
assumes refl: "x∈S ⟹ x⊑x"
and antisym: "⟦ x⊑y; y⊑x; x ∈ S; y ∈ S ⟧ ⟹ x = y"
and transitive: "⟦x⊑y; y⊑z; x∈S; y∈S; z∈S⟧ ⟹ x⊑z"
context partial_order begin
definition is_inf where "is_inf x y w ⟷
w⊑x ∧ w⊑y ∧ (∀z∈S. z⊑x ∧ z⊑y ⟶ z⊑w) ∧ x∈S ∧ y∈S ∧ w∈S"
locale semilattice = partial_order "S" "le" for S and le (infixl "⊑" 50) +
assumes existence: "⟦x∈S; y∈S⟧ ⟹ ∃inf. is_inf x y inf"
context semilattice begin
definition meet (infixl "⊓" 70)
where "meet = (λx∈S . λy∈S . THE inf. is_inf x y inf)"
Isabelle 2024 does not accept the bounded lambda abstraction in the last line.
Was this accepted ten years ago? The paper is from 2014.
If you import HOL-Library.FuncSet
it should work.
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 08:24 UTC