Announcement: EuroProofNet Workshops, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 6-8 2023
During the 16th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)
which takes place at Cambridge between September 4-8, there will be a EuroProofNet
joint WG4-WG5 meeting with:
a Workshop on Natural Formal Mathematics
(September 6-7).
a Workshop on Libraries of Formal Proofs and Natural Mathematical
Language (September 7-8).
The session on September 7 is common to the two workshops.
Participation is open to anyone. It is possible to apply for funding to attend if you are a EuroProofNet member (membership is free).
Please note the deadlines for abstract submission and funding application:
Notification of acceptance (abstracts and funding) will be given
between 24-30 July. Priority for funding will be given to people
submitting an abstract.
Camera-ready versions: 20 August.
It is possible to arrive a few days before and leave a few days
after the meeting but a maximum of 4.4 daily allowances may be reimbursed via EuroProofNet.
Find all the details and the link to the submission and application form
Hi, this is just a reminder about the joint WG4&WG5 EuroProofNet Workshops (Cambridge, UK, Sept. 6-8 2023)
as the deadline for abstract submissions (talk proposals) and funding applications is on 23 July.
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 08:24 UTC