Stream: General

Topic: Isabelle not using introduced notation in sublocale

view this post on Zulip Ata Keskin (Dec 25 2023 at 23:58):

In a parent locale "linearly_filtered_measure", I introduced the following notation:

definition F_infinity :: "'a measure" ("F⇩∞") where
  "F⇩∞ = sigma (space M) (⋃t∈{t⇩0..}. sets (F t))"

where "t⇩0" M and F are constants that the locale fixes.

When I use the notation in the context of this locale everything works as it should. I have a sublocale called "nat_filtered_measure" which is a sublocale of "linearly_filtered_measure". The parser does not recognize the notation inside the sublocale. To illustrate the issue further:

context linearly_filtered_measure

 thm F_infinity_def


F⇩∞ = sigma (space M) (⋃t∈{t⇩0..}. sets (F t))


context nat_filtered_measure

 thm F_infinity_def


F_infinity = sigma (space M) (⋃t∈{t⇩0..}. sets (F t))

which does not use the notation at all. Is this just an oversight concerning how the introduced notation is handled in the locale system or am I doing something wrong?

view this post on Zulip Ata Keskin (Dec 26 2023 at 00:02):

I figured it out. Using the notation command fixes this issue. For anyone who might face a similar issue, you can just do:

notation F_infinity "F⇩∞"

after defining the constant.

Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 08:24 UTC