Hi community,
I am trying to use the codegen's extension code_pred to generate equational specifications from an inductive predicate. The hope is that from there I can then extract functional code.
The motivation for doing this is to have a reliable reference interpreter for the operational semantics described by the Isabelle code.
The problem is that for some reason the code_pred command does not succeed, and trying to invoke the predicate equation gives an error. I think probably the error was due to the predicate not being regularly defined in an inductive way. I did a bit of research into the codegen reference manual and it gave an example where a non-inductively defined predicate can be made inductive by making the conditions described by inductive predicates (e.g. describing lexicographic order by the append predicate). Is it the case that the code_pred extension compiler only works when the inductive rules' premises are made of inductive predicates themselves? In general, how can one turn an irregular predicate definition into an inductive one (for example in my example listed below)? I have put a MWE below for the predicate that failed code_pred.
theory Predicate_to_code imports
datatype RegNum = Reg nat
type_synonym Val = int
datatype MESI_State = Modified| Exclusive| Shared| Invalid
datatype ClusterID = Dev nat
datatype BlockID = Block nat
datatype UTID = Utid nat
datatype CoreID = Core nat
record CLEntry =
content :: "Val option"
block_state :: MESI_State
type_synonym ClusterMap = "CoreID ⇒ BlockID ⇀ CLEntry"
type_synonym DevCLMap = "ClusterID ⇒ ClusterMap"
(*Alternative of using tuples, waiting to be seen which is better*)
type_synonym Cluster_State_Table = "ClusterID ⇀ MESI_State "
text ‹the name cl_state_mapping seems quite un-friendly for first time readers›
record HostCLMap =
cl_content_mapping :: "BlockID ⇒ Val"
cl_state_mapping :: "BlockID ⇒ Cluster_State_Table"
datatype Instruction =
Write ClusterID CoreID BlockID Val RegNum
| Read ClusterID CoreID BlockID RegNum
| Evict ClusterID CoreID BlockID
(*a sequence of events one cluster issues, a sequence of events another cluster issues
read event v.s. load
cluster issue messages *)
type_synonym Program = "ClusterID ⇒ (CoreID ⇒ Instruction list)"
definition empty_program :: Program where [simp]:
"empty_program ≡ λclid. λcoreid. []"
fun add_i :: "Program ⇒ Instruction ⇒ ClusterID ⇒ CoreID ⇒ Program"
where "add_i P i clid core = P (clid := ( (P clid ) ( core := (P clid core) @ [i])))"
definition write1 :: Instruction where "write1 = (Write (Dev 1) (Core 1) (Block 1) 2 (Reg 1))"
definition write2 :: Instruction where "write2 = (Write (Dev 2) (Core 2) (Block 1) 3 (Reg 1))"
definition two_devices_writing_at_same_location :: Program where
"two_devices_writing_at_same_location = add_i (add_i empty_program write1 (Dev 1) (Core 1)) write2 (Dev 2) (Core 2)"
datatype DTHReqType = RdShared | RdOwn | RdOwnNoData | RdAny | RdCurr | CleanEvict | DirtyEvict | CleanEvictNoData |
ItoMWrite | WrCur | CLFlush | CacheFlushed | WOWrInv | WOWrInvF | WrInv
record DTHReq =
utid :: UTID
bid :: BlockID
dthreqtype :: DTHReqType
clid :: ClusterID
type_synonym DTHReqs = "ClusterID ⇒ DTHReq list"
datatype DTHRespType = RspIHitI | RspIHitSE |RspSHitSE | RspVHitV | RspIFwdM | RspVFwdV | RspSFwdM
record DTHResp =
utid:: UTID
bid :: BlockID
dthresptype :: DTHRespType
clid :: ClusterID
record DTHData =
utid:: UTID
bid :: BlockID
content :: Val
clid :: ClusterID
bogus :: bool
type_synonym DTHResps = "ClusterID ⇒ DTHResp list"
type_synonym DTHDatas = "ClusterID ⇒ DTHData list"
definition empty_dthreqs :: DTHReqs where [simp]:
"empty_dthreqs ≡ λclid. []"
definition empty_dthdatas :: DTHDatas where [simp]:
"empty_dthdatas ≡ λclid. []"
definition empty_dthresps :: DTHResps where [simp]:
"empty_dthresps ≡ λclid. []"
datatype HTDReqType = SnpData | SnpInv | SnpCur
record HTDReq =
utid :: UTID
bid :: BlockID
htdreqtype :: HTDReqType
clid :: ClusterID
datatype HTDRespType = GO | GO_WritePull | GO_WritePullDrop | WritePull |
GO_Err | FastGO_WritePull | GO_Err_WritePull | ExtCmp
record HTDResp =
utid :: UTID
bid :: BlockID
htdresptype :: HTDRespType
clid :: ClusterID
state_granted :: MESI_State
record HTDData =
utid :: UTID
bid :: BlockID
content :: Val
clid :: ClusterID
type_synonym HTDReqs = "ClusterID ⇒ HTDReq list"
type_synonym HTDResps = "ClusterID ⇒ HTDResp list"
type_synonym HTDDatas = "ClusterID ⇒ HTDData list"
record DevTracker =
clusterid :: ClusterID
coreid :: CoreID
bid :: BlockID
st :: MESI_State
dNeeded :: bool
dataCompleted :: bool
rRecvd :: bool
dthreqtype :: DTHReqType
text ‹Our model only deals with transactions initiated by a DTHRequest.›
type_synonym DevTrackers = "UTID ⇀ DevTracker"
record HostTracker =
clusterid :: ClusterID
coreid :: CoreID
bid :: BlockID
st :: MESI_State
dNeeded :: bool
dSent :: bool
rSent :: bool
dthreqtype :: DTHReqType
text ‹Our model only deals with transactions initiated by a DTHRequest. Likewise trackers only
records DTH request types.›
type_synonym HostTrackers = "UTID ⇀ HostTracker"
record Type1State =
hostclmap :: HostCLMap
devclmap :: DevCLMap
dthreqs :: DTHReqs
dthresps :: DTHResps
dthdatas :: DTHDatas
htdreqs :: HTDReqs
htdresps :: HTDResps
htddatas :: HTDDatas
hosttrackers :: HostTrackers
devtrackers :: DevTrackers
text ‹ for CXL ›
fun differ_one_instruction :: "Program ⇒ Program ⇒
ClusterID ⇒ CoreID ⇒ Instruction ⇒ bool"
where "differ_one_instruction P P' dev_i core_j i =
(P = P'(dev_i := (P' dev_i) (core_j := (i # P' dev_i core_j ))))"
fun host_mapping_state :: "Type1State ⇒ ClusterID ⇒
BlockID ⇒ MESI_State ⇒ bool"
where "host_mapping_state Σ dev_i X mesi_state =
((cl_state_mapping (hostclmap Σ) ) X dev_i = Some mesi_state)"
fun dequeued_dthreq :: "Type1State ⇒ Type1State ⇒ ClusterID ⇒ DTHReq ⇒ bool"
where "dequeued_dthreq Σ Σ' dev_i msg =
(Σ' = Σ ⦇dthreqs := ((dthreqs Σ) (dev_i := (dthreqs Σ) dev_i @ [msg] )) ⦈ ) "
(*Still psuedo-code, should express Σ and Σ' only differ in those
places, rather than "they are different in these places, can be arbitrary
in other places we didn't mention. Need to use Σ[ i := X] type of syntax"*)
inductive external_trans :: "(Type1State * Program * nat * Instruction option * UTID) ⇒ (Type1State * Program * nat * Instruction option * UTID) ⇒ bool"
(infixr "↝ext" 30)
" ⟦
differ_one_instruction P P' dev_i core_j (Write dev_i core_j block_X v reg) ;
host_mapping_state Σ dev_i block_X Invalid;
utid2 = Utid UCounter;
dequeued_dthreq Σ Σ' dev_i ⦇DTHReq.utid = utid2, bid = block_X, dthreqtype = RdOwn, clid = dev_i ⦈;
(devclmap Σ) dev_i core_j block_X = Some ⦇CLEntry.content = Some v, block_state = Invalid ⦈;
(devclmap Σ) = (devclmap Σ');
devtrackers Σ utid2 = None;
devtrackers Σ' utid2 = Some ⦇DevTracker.clusterid = dev_i, coreid = core_j, DevTracker.bid = block_X, st = Invalid,
dNeeded = True, dataCompleted = False, rRecvd = False, dthreqtype = RdOwn ⦈
(Σ, P, UCounter, None, _) ↝ext (Σ', P', UCounter + 1, Some (Write dev_i core_j block_X v reg), utid2 )"
" ⟦
host_mapping_state Σ dev_i block_X Exclusive;
(cl_content_mapping (hostclmap Σ)) block_X = v';
(devclmap Σ) dev_i core_j block_X = Some ⦇CLEntry.content = Some v', block_state = Exclusive ⦈;
(devclmap Σ') dev_i core_j block_X = Some ⦇CLEntry.content = Some v'', block_state = Modified ⦈;
(hosttrackers Σ) utid2 = None;
(devtrackers Σ) utid2 = None
(Σ, P, UCounter, Some (Write dev_i core_j block_X v'' reg), utid2) ↝ext (Σ', P', UCounter, None, _ )"
code_pred external_trans .
thm external_trans.equation
export_code external_trans_i_o in Scala
The last two lines just throw errors.
I am trying to generate code for external_trans, which is used to capture the operational semantics for some low-level memory protocols. The rules involve updates to lists, records and functions. Are the updates of records and function mappings inherently non-inductive, making the whole rule external_trans impossible to be turned inductive?
I am looking forward to your input.
Thanks a lot,
I only get an error in the last line (wellsortedness error). It is due to the function differ_one_instruction
that compares two programs P and P' using function equality, which is of course not executable in general. To make it executable, the code generator requires the input types to be enumerable. You probably want to make differ_one_instruction
executable by explicitly stating and proving a code equation for differ_one_instruction
Maximilian Schaeffeler said:
I only get an error in the last line (wellsortedness error). It is due to the function
that compares two programs P and P' using function equality, which is of course not executable in general. To make it executable, the code generator requires the input types to be enumerable. You probably want to makediffer_one_instruction
executable by explicitly stating and proving a code equation fordiffer_one_instruction
Thank you for responding! This is very helpful that I am now able to locate which bits are not executable. I understand that comparing equalities of two arbitrary functions can't be turned into executable code in general (because it is basically halting problem?), but for this function differ_one_instruction
the comparison is basically saying two functions are just key-value pairs which only differ in one entry. Could you tell me what type of code equation is needed for this?
More generally, do all the premises have to be expressed via recursive predicates so that an inductive rule can be turned into executable code?
The code equation should implement the comparison in terms of executable functions:
lemma differ_one_instruction[code]: "differ_one_instruction P P' dev_i core_j i = [executable version of the definition]"
However, for your example, I don't think it's possible to implement that check, can you tell me how you would do it in another programming language?
Maximilian Schaeffeler said:
The code equation should implement the comparison in terms of executable functions:
lemma differ_one_instruction[code]: "differ_one_instruction P P' dev_i core_j i = [executable version of the definition]" sorry
However, for your example, I don't think it's possible to implement that check, can you tell me how you would do it in another programming language?
I got your point. The comparison requires two programs to be equal at every other device and core, which is impossible to compute if the domain (devices and cores) is not finite. I guess for that I need to restrict the constructors of ClusterID and CoreID to take a natural number from only a finite set (rather than all possible nats).
Thank you!
Hi all,
Can you ask code_pred to generate equational specifications with different modes (that might not be one of those inferred automatically)?
The tutorial on codegen seems to suggest yes at section 4.1 (alternative names for functions) on the bottom of page 21, where you can specify the modes you want with new names for these functions like modes: i => o => i as suffix) append1 .
. But after trying out this, I got this error message from Isabelle "not a constant: suffix" when trying to generate code for that. It seems the request to generate a custom output function has been ignored. Is there any recent changes to code_pred that I need to be aware?
inductive append1 :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ bool"
"append1 [] ys ys"
| "append1 xs ys zs ⟹ append1 (x # xs) ys (x # zs)"
code_pred append1 .
thm append1.equation
export_code append1_i_i_i in Scala
values "{zs. append1 [(1::nat), 2, 3] [4, 5] zs}"
code_pred (modes: i ⇒ o ⇒ i ⇒ bool as suffix,
o ⇒ o ⇒ i ⇒ bool as split,
i ⇒ i ⇒ o ⇒ bool as concat) append1 .
thm append1.equation
export_code suffix in Scala
You mean export_code append1 in Scala
(there is no suffix
in the code you are showing)
Okay I checked the doc and in my understanding it should work.
can you report it to the mailing list?
Mathias Fleury said:
can you report it to the mailing list?
Yes, just did that!
Mathias Fleury said:
Okay I checked the doc and in my understanding it should work.
Thank you for checking this out!
It seems that code_pred does not support records very well (because they are not inductive datatypes)?
Suppose we have a record type MiniMulticore
datatype Instruction =
Write int
| Read
record MiniMulticore =
program1 :: "Instruction list"
program2 :: "Instruction list"
mem :: int
reg :: int
If I define a predicate about them with a rule like below,
inductive nondet_execution :: "MiniMulticore ⇒ MiniMulticore ⇒ bool"
(infixr "↝n" 30) where
core2_write : "⦇program1 = P1, program2 = Write v # P2, mem = v', reg = w ⦈ ↝n ⦇program1 = P1, program2 = P2, mem = v, reg = w ⦈"
, the code_pred command does not generate any code equations: invoking the code_pred nonet_execution
give the following error message:
Error in case expression:
Not a datatype constructor: "Predicate_practice.MiniMulticore.MiniMulticore_ext"
In clause
(⦇program1 = P1_, program2 = Write v_ # P2_, mem = v'_, reg = w_⦈, ⦇program1 = P1a_, program2 = P2a_, mem = va_, reg = wa_⦈) ⇒
if w_ = wa_ ∧ P2_ = P2a_ ∧ v_ = va_ ∧ P1_ = P1a_ then Predicate.single () else bot
It seems that record is not supported at all for code_pred
. Is it because record is not an inductive datatype and therefore can't be handled?
datatype Instruction =
Write int
| Read
\<comment> \<open> a mini multi-core computer
with non-determinism about which core is able to execute
record MiniMulticore =
program1 :: "Instruction list"
program2 :: "Instruction list"
mem :: int
reg :: int
definition read_and_write :: MiniMulticore
where "read_and_write = ⦇program1 = [Write 1],
program2 = [Read],
mem = 0,
reg = 42 ⦈"
fun differ_instruction1 ::
"MiniMulticore ⇒ Instruction ⇒ MiniMulticore"
(" _ [+=i1 _] " [100, 0] 101)
where "(C [+=i1 I] ) = C ⦇ MiniMulticore.program1 := (I # (program1 C)) ⦈"
fun differ_instruction2 ::
"MiniMulticore ⇒ Instruction ⇒ MiniMulticore"
(" _ [+=i2 _] " [100, 0] 101)
where "(C [+=i2 I] ) = C ⦇ MiniMulticore.program2 := (I # (program2 C)) ⦈"
fun differ_mem ::
"MiniMulticore ⇒ int ⇒ MiniMulticore"
(" _ [ _ ]m " [100, 0] 101)
where "(C [v]m ) = C ⦇ MiniMulticore.mem := v ⦈"
fun differ_reg ::
"MiniMulticore ⇒ int ⇒ MiniMulticore"
(" _ [ _ ]r " [100, 0] 101)
where "(C [v]r ) = C ⦇ MiniMulticore.reg := v ⦈"
inductive nondet_execution :: "MiniMulticore ⇒ MiniMulticore ⇒ bool"
(infixr "↝n" 30) where
core2_write : "⦇program1 = P1, program2 = Write v # P2, mem = v', reg = w ⦈ ↝n ⦇program1 = P1, program2 = P2, mem = v, reg = w ⦈"
|core1_write : "C ⦇ program1 := (Write v # program1 C) ⦈ ↝n C ⦇ mem := v⦈"
| core1_write : "C[+=i1 Write v] ↝n C[v]m"
| core1_read : "⟦C = C'[+=i1 Read ][v]r; reg C = v ⟧ ⟹ C ↝n C'"
| core2_read : "⟦C = C'[+=i2 Read ][v]r; reg C = v ⟧ ⟹ C ↝n C'"
code_pred nondet_execution .
thm nondet_execution.equation
Mathias Fleury said:
can you report it to the mailing list?
Hi Mathias,
I have sent out an email with the issue to the address cl-isabelle-users-request@lists.cam.ac.uk
but it did not show up in the daily digest, is there some rules I am missing in reporting to the Isabelle mailing list?
Thanks a lot!
Spontaneously, I guess the addresses with -request
are for sending commands to the mailing list manager via e-mail. There should be a web interface for registering you as a member of this list, and then you should just send to the address with the -request
removed. In any case, you should register as a member of this list, since you might not be able to post there without being a member and people might send their answers only to the list, as they expect senders being on the list and want to continue the discussion on the list (mailing lists are a bit like old-style discussion forums).
Wolfgang Jeltsch said:
Spontaneously, I guess the addresses with
are for sending commands to the mailing list manager via e-mail. There should be a web interface for registering you as a member of this list, and then you should just send to the address with the-request
removed. In any case, you should register as a member of this list, since you might not be able to post there without being a member and people might send their answers only to the list, as they expect senders being on the list and want to continue the discussion on the list (mailing lists are a bit like old-style discussion forums).
Thank you for the answer! I think I subscribed as a digest user, which allows me to see a daily digest from that email address (with the -request suffix). I think that should be enough to report things, no? I will try sending messages again removing that -request.
I’ve never used the digest functionality, but I’m quite sure that the address with -request
is not for posting but for controlling your mailing list settings. For some reason, it seems to be used also as the sender address for digests, probably because digests are not regular mailing list e-mails.
I wrote the following procedure:
procedure funny_count "(t_bound :: nat, max_iter :: nat)" over state
= "iter:=0;
while iter < max_iter
(iter ≤ max_iter ) ∧
(counter ≤ iter * t)
do t:=0;
while t < t_bound
inv (t ≤ t_bound) ∧
(counter ≤ t + (iter*t_bound))
counter := counter + 1;
t:= t + 1
And I'm trying to use the verification condition generator (VCG) tactic to verify the following:
lemma "H{True}funny_count(t_bound, max_iter){counter = t_bound*max_iter}"
But the goals to show seem weird and I think I need better invariants (under inv). Also I was thinking of creating a new stream just for program verification using VCG and would appreciate some feedback on that idea as well.
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 08:24 UTC