what do i do when quickcheck gives empty sets for predicates, as in
theorem any_filter_imp: "(∀x. ¬s x ⟹ ¬t x) ⟹ list_ex t (filter s l) = list_ex (λx. s x) l"
Auto Quickcheck found a counterexample:
s = {a⇩1}
t = {}
x = a⇩1
l = [a⇩1]
Evaluated terms:
list_ex t (filter s l) = False
list_ex s l = True
for context, i have proven the same thing in lean.
the lean proof looks like this:
import Init.Data.List
import Init.PropLemmas
import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Group.List
import Mathlib.Data.List.Dedup
import Mathlib.Data.List.Pairwise
import Mathlib.Data.List.Join
import Mathlib.Data.List.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.List.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.List.Infix
import Mathlib.Data.List.Lattice
import Mathlib.Data.List.Lemmas
import Mathlib.Data.Bool.AllAny
import Mathlib.Data.Bool.Basic
import Mathlib.Logic.Basic
import Batteries.Data.List.Lemmas
open Classical
theorem any_filter_imp (s t : a -> Bool): (∀ x : a, ¬ (s x) -> ¬ (t x)) -> ∀ l : List a,l.any t <-> (l.filter s).any t :=
intro hst l
induction' l with hd tl ht
cases' Classical.em (s hd) with hsh hnsh
rw [hsh]
rw [ht]
simp at hnsh
have hnt : ¬ t hd := by {
apply hst
exact hnsh
simp at hnt
rw [hnt]
rw [ht]
First, your question: quickcheck gives you the values where the function holds, where {} means nothing
Second, there are two typos in your Isabelle expression:
- ∀x. ¬s x ⟹ ¬t x
needs to be either ∀x. ¬s x ⟶ ¬t x
(a HOL expression) or ⋀x. ¬s x ⟹ ¬t x
(a pure expression). Your version means (∀x. ¬s x) ⟹ ¬t x
as you can see with the color of the x (green = bound vs blue = free)
∃x ∈ (set (filter s l)). t x
automation will work much better (auto is your friend in Isabelle!)the = took priority?
(it is stupid, but this choice was made too long to be changed)
it does make a sort of sense
Sort of, but it gets annoying for things like:
my_fancy_function x = ∃x. P x
Jared green said:
the = took priority?
actually no, sorry
(this is a different issue)
The ∀ binds more than ⟹ sort of
Your issue is in list_ex (λx. s x) l
(there is a typo compared to the lean version)
i now have
theorem any_filter_imp: "(∀x. ¬s x ⟶ ¬t x) ⟹ ((∃x ∈ (set (filter s l)). t x) = (∃x ∈ (set l). t x))"
no 'counterexample' here.
and for another:
datatype 'a normalizable =
Atom 'a
| And "'a normalizable" "'a normalizable"
| Or "'a normalizable" "'a normalizable"
| Not "'a normalizable"
definition coherent :: "(bool × 'a normalizable) list list list ⇒ bool" where
"coherent n = ( (n = []) ∨ (list_all (λg. (list_all (λs. ¬(s = []) ∧ (distinct (map (λx. snd x) s))) g) ∨ (g = []) ) n))"
definition makeCoherent :: "(bool × 'a normalizable) list list list ⇒ (bool × 'a normalizable) list list list" where
"makeCoherent n = map (λx. map remdups (filter (λy. (list_all2 (λa b. snd a = snd b ⟶ fst a = fst b) y y) ∧ ¬(y = [])) x)) n"
theorem coherency: "coherent (makeCoherent n)"
Auto Quickcheck found a counterexample:
n = [[[(True, Atom a⇩1), (False, Atom a⇩1)]]]
the lean code looks like this:
variable {α : Type}[h : DecidableEq α]
inductive normalizable α (pred : α -> Prop)
| atom : α -> (normalizable α pred)
| And : (normalizable α pred) -> (normalizable α pred) -> normalizable α pred
| Or : (normalizable α pred) -> (normalizable α pred) -> normalizable α pred
| Not : normalizable α pred -> normalizable α pred
deriving DecidableEq
def coherent (n : List (List (List (Bool × normalizable α pred)))) : Prop :=
∀ g : List (List (Bool × normalizable α pred)), g ∈ n ->
∀ s : List (Bool × normalizable α pred), s ∈ g ->
(∀ w : Bool × normalizable α pred,∀ x : Bool × normalizable α pred, w ∈ s ∧ x ∈ s ->
w.snd == x.snd -> w.fst == x.fst) ∧ s.Nodup
def makeCoherent (n : List (List (List (Bool × normalizable α pred)))) : List (List (List (Bool × normalizable α pred))) :=
(fun x => (x.filter
(fun y => y.Pairwise
(fun a b => a.snd = b.snd -> a.fst = b.fst))).map
(fun y => y.dedup))
theorem coherency : ∀ n : List (List (List (Bool × normalizable α pred))), coherent (makeCoherent n) :=
intro n g hg s hs
unfold makeCoherent at hg
obtain ⟨a, _, ha_transformed_to_g⟩ := List.mem_map.mp hg
subst ha_transformed_to_g
intros w x hw heqw
rw [List.mem_map] at hs
obtain ⟨b, hb_in_filtered_a, hb_eq_s⟩ := hs
subst hb_eq_s
rw [List.mem_filter] at hb_in_filtered_a
obtain ⟨hb_in_a, hb_pw⟩ := hb_in_filtered_a
have hb_pairwise : b.Pairwise (fun c d => c.snd = d.snd → c.fst = d.fst) := by simpa using hb_pw
have snd_eq : w.snd = x.snd := by simpa using heqw
have hp : ∀ c d, c ∈ b ∧ d ∈ b → c.2 = d.2 → c.1 = d.1 := by
intro c d ⟨hc, hd⟩
refine List.Pairwise.forall_of_forall ?_ (by simp) hb_pairwise hc hd
intro x y h1 h2
exact (h1 (h2.symm)).symm
obtain ⟨ hw_left, hw_right⟩ := hw
apply hp
rw [← List.mem_dedup]
exact hw_left
rw [← List.mem_dedup]
exact hw_right
rw [beq_iff_eq] at heqw
exact heqw
simp [List.nodup_dedup] at hs
obtain ⟨b, _, hb_eq_s⟩ := hs
rw [← hb_eq_s]
exact List.nodup_dedup b
for that one the = does not take priority over the arrow
At that point you should try to see where the issue comes from. You can ask quickcheck to evaluate the counterexample with
quickcheck[eval="makeCoherent n"]
This should help you find where the definitions are different
nitpick is a bit nicer for that, because you put several terms:
nitpick[eval="makeCoherent n""map (λx. map remdups (filter (λy. (list_all2 (λa b. snd a = snd b ⟶ fst a = fst b) y y) ∧ ¬(y = [])) x)) n"]
Your list_all2 (λa b. snd a = snd b ⟶ fst a = fst b) y y
looks suspicious because you are comparing the same elements each time, but I have no clue what you are trying to define here
I also think you misunderstood what list_all2
does. I think you need something like
or similar instead
Damn Simon you were faster, but I wanted to put it in a spoiler environment
Mathias Fleury said:
The ∀ binds more than ⟹ sort of
I tried to introduce it like this once to someone and found that it bit me back
Perhaps it'd be better to say that ==>
is meta-level so it's not possible to, e.g. have \forall ( ... ==> ...)
Last updated: Feb 28 2025 at 08:24 UTC