Has anybody else similar issues, using the tar-ball installation of Isabelle 2023, using ubuntu? Invoking isabelle vscode
in the terminal returns w/o any output, error messages, or similar. isabelle jedit
works as expected. I have tried several codium installations.
Any ideas for how to troubleshoot this further? I am happy to build from source, but well, I wasn't able to find (clear) instructions for such matters. Thanks a lot in advance!
Tobias Heindel (Heliax GmbH) said:
Has anybody else similar issues, using the tar-ball installation of Isabelle 2023, using ubuntu? Invoking
isabelle vscode
in the terminal returns w/o any output, error messages, or similar.isabelle jedit
works as expected. I have tried several codium installations.Any ideas for how to troubleshoot this further? I am happy to build from source, but well, I wasn't able to find (clear) instructions for such matters. Thanks a lot in advance!
The same behavior applies if I build the default version from the mercurial repository. After removing the .isabelle
-directory, The follwing behavior is observed:
$ isabelle vscode
Installed Isabelle/VSCode extension "/home/tobias/Isabelle2023/contrib/vscode_extension-20230206/isabelle-2.0.0.vsix"
into directory: "/home/tobias/.isabelle/Isabelle2023/vscode/extensions/isabelle.isabelle-2.0.0"
(base) tobias@Tbook:~$ isabelle vscode
(base) tobias@Tbook:~$
For vscode this is normal
it just open a vscodium window and returni
isabelle jedit runs until you close jedit
Mathias Fleury said:
For vscode this is normal
ah, right, I forgot to mention: the vscode window is missing: vscode is not starting and I would want to understand why vscode is not popping up ?
that there is really no vscodium running?isabelle vscode -C -L -v
produce output to the file ~/.isabelle/vscode/server.log
?I have installed the debian package codium_1.88.1.24104_amd64.deb
directly on ubuntu 24.04 and Isabelle via the tar-ball. By itself, codium is running normal. However, isabelle cannot launch it somehow, it seems ...
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ codium
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ps -au tobias | grep -i cod
21590 ? 00:00:00 codium
21593 ? 00:00:00 codium
21595 ? 00:00:00 codium
21597 ? 00:00:00 codium
21625 ? 00:00:00 codium
21632 ? 00:00:00 codium
21645 ? 00:00:01 codium
21837 ? 00:00:00 codium
21852 ? 00:00:00 codium
21853 ? 00:00:00 codium
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ps -au tobias | grep -i cod
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ isabelle vscode -C -L -v
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ ls -l
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 6 tobias tobias 4096 Apr 30 18:53 Isabelle2023
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ cd .
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle$ cd ..
(base) tobias@Tbook:~$ ls -al |grep isabelle
drwxrwxr-x 3 tobias tobias 4096 Apr 30 14:11 .isabelle
isabelle is running its own codium, not the one from the distribution
Mathias Fleury said:
isabelle is running its own codium, not the one from the distribution
after uninstalling, the same behavior; meanwhile I've found the logs:
(base) tobias@Tbook:~/.isabelle/Isabelle2023/vscode/user-data/logs/20240503T105017$ cat cli.log
[2024-05-03 10:50:17.779] [cli] [info] CLI main {"_":[],"diff":false,"merge":false,"add":false,"goto":false,"new-window":false,"reuse-window":false,"wait":false,"locale":"en-US","user-data-dir":"/home/tobias/.isabelle/Isabelle2023/vscode/user-data","help":false,"extensions-dir":"/home/tobias/.isabelle/Isabelle2023/vscode/extensions","list-extensions":false,"show-versions":false,"pre-release":false,"version":false,"verbose":false,"status":false,"prof-startup":false,"no-cached-data":false,"prof-v8-extensions":false,"disable-extensions":false,"disable-gpu":false,"ms-enable-electron-run-as-node":true,"telemetry":false,"locate-extension":["isabelle.isabelle"],"debugRenderer":false,"enable-smoke-test-driver":false,"logExtensionHostCommunication":false,"skip-release-notes":false,"skip-welcome":false,"disable-telemetry":false,"disable-updates":false,"disable-keytar":false,"disable-workspace-trust":false,"disable-crash-reporter":false,"skip-add-to-recently-opened":false,"unity-launch":false,"open-url":false,"file-write":false,"file-chmod":false,"force":false,"do-not-sync":false,"trace":false,"force-user-env":false,"force-disable-user-env":false,"open-devtools":false,"__enable-file-policy":false,"no-proxy-server":false,"no-sandbox":false,"nolazy":false,"force-renderer-accessibility":false,"ignore-certificate-errors":false,"allow-insecure-localhost":false,"disable-dev-shm-usage":false,"logsPath":"/home/tobias/.isabelle/Isabelle2023/vscode/user-data/logs/20240503T105017"}
Did you find a solution? I have just installed the vscode dev version from the mercurial repo and have exactly the same issue.
I just set up a completely fresh ubuntu 24.10, because vscode (and more importantly sledgehammer) dont work on windows
On the first time of executing isabelle vscode
it said something about installed the extension in ...
Last updated: Dec 21 2024 at 12:33 UTC