I tried to write:
fun propform :: "form ⇒ bool"
"propform FALSE ≡ True"
| "propform (VAR p) ≡ True"
| "propform (DISJ f1 f2) ≡ (propform f1 ∧ propform f2)"
| "propform (NOT f) ≡ propform f"
| "propform (DIAM f) ≡ False"
And Isabelle complains. Since I have been suggested to use meta-stuff for definitions once possible, here I am attempting to define a predicate "is propositional formula" using meta-equation instead of <-->.
The error message is "Not an equation" and a colleague found out that it comes from the function package, which calls "dest_eq" in HOL level.
Therefore, the complain is because it expects HOL level equation only, not a meta one.
Therefore, what to use if I want to make the definition using meta-equality <\equiv>?
Or if there is any argument that "in such a case, it is better to using fun and HOL equality", then I am also happy to just stick with it.
The function package expects you to use the HOL equality (=)
You can, however, turn a HOL equality into a meta-equality with the theorem HOL.eq_reflection
That makes sense. Thank you!
I expect the simplifier works a bit differently if it see a definition using HOL or meta equality.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC