Hi I am very much a beginer!
In Jedit
**theory PreGalois
imports HOL.Lattices "HOL-Lattice.Orders" begin
works. But when I run isabelle build it objects to the second import
dstr@D Gal % isabelle build -D PreGalois
*** Cannot load theory "HOL-Lattice.Orders"
Any ideas much appreciated
Given the ROOT file, only the import HOL_Lattice.CompleteLattice
should work
(Orders is transitively included)
The ROOT file includes only one file and this is the only one you should (and can) import:
session "HOL-Lattice" in Lattice = HOL +
description "
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
Basic theory of lattices and orders.
theories CompleteLattice
document_files "root.tex"
(jEdit is less strict on those things for some reason)
Thanks Mathias
I am getting their slowly. As Lattice imports Bounds and that imports Orders all I need is
theory PreGalois
imports "HOL.Lattices" begin
This import works (JEdit) but now the reference to quasi_order that was working (its a class in Orders) breaks
interpretation "abs" : quasi_order "(⊑a) :: 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
I have tried Orders_quasi_order , Orders.quasi_order and adding " " but can not find how to reference something thats in a nested import.
and HOL-Lattice.CompleteLattice
are not the same
Import Main instead of only HOL.Lattices
Mathias Fleury said:
are not the same
To be clear: quasi_order is defined in "~~src/HOL/Lattice/Orders.thy", so you have to import that theory with HOL-Lattice.CompleteLattice
and not HOL.Lattices
refers to "~ ~src/HOL/Lattices.thy", not "~ ~src/HOL/Lattice/<some_theory_here>"
Sorry I am so painfully slow
imports "HOL-Lattice.Lattice" begin works just fine in JEdit
But isabelle build still can not find the theory to import. Do I need to set something to tell isabelle build where to look?
dstr@D NEW % more PreGalois/ROOT
session Test = HOL +
options [document = pdf, document_output = "output"]
dstr@D NEW %
dstr@D NEW % isabelle build -D PreGalois
*** Cannot load theory "HOL-Lattice.CompleteLattice"
*** The error(s) above occurred in session "Test" (line 1 of "/Users/dstr/IsabelleWork/NEW/PreGalois/ROOT")
dstr@D NEW %
You want:
imports "HOL-Lattice.CompleteLattice"
in the root file:
session Test = HOL +
options [document = pdf, document_output = "output"]
Many Thanks it works.
david streader has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC