I have read this interesting blog
about Isabelle functions being total.
I am just a bit puzzed at the section "non-terminating functions are also just underspecified"
and "not all function specifications are ok"
To me,
fixpoint (λb. ¬b) True = fixpoint (λb. ¬b) False
bogus () = Suc (bogus ())
are both non-terminating equations with no solution.
Why is the fixpoint function allowed and the other not?
For tail-recursive specifications like fixpoint f x = fixpoint f (f x)
, you can always find a consistent solution, e.g. by simply returning some dummy value (like undefined
) if it doesn't terminate. For non-tail-recursive ones like bogus () = Suc (bogus ())
, this is generally not possible.
There's probably more theory behind this that tells you when this is okay and when it isn't – perhaps domain theory? I don't know enough about that to be able to say…
Manuel Eberl said:
For tail-recursive specifications like
fixpoint f x = fixpoint f (f x)
, you can always find a consistent solution, e.g. by simply returning some dummy value (likeundefined
) if it doesn't terminate. For non-tail-recursive ones likebogus () = Suc (bogus ())
, this is generally not possible.
Thank you!
So the main difference here is whether the function is tail-recursive or not?
To me fixpoint f _ = undefined
and bogus _ = undefined
seem both valid solutions.
No, the important thing to understand is that undefined
is not some special value that lives outside the normal type universe (like in Haskell). It is a value inside the type, you just don't know which one.
e.g. for Booleans, undefined = True ∨ undefined = False
is provable, but undefined = True
and undefined = False
individually are not.
That means that bogus _ = undefined
is not a valid solution because then one would have to have undefined = Suc undefined
, which is false because x ≠ Suc x
holds for all natural numbers.
Manuel Eberl said:
There's probably more theory behind this that tells you when this is okay and when it isn't – perhaps domain theory? I don't know enough about that to be able to say…
This reminds me of series in calculus.
Both 1 0 1 0 1 and
1 2 3 4 5 ........
are divergent series.
Ah the above is a bad analogy.
It breaks down for the example
bogus2 n = bogus2 n+1
which has the solution bogus2 _ = undefined
partial_function (tailrec) bogus::"nat ⇒ nat" where
"bogus n = bogus (Suc n)"
is permitted by Isabelle (since it is tail-recursive).
Note that when you have a lattice structure on your result, you can also do non-"terminating" definitions if your step function is monotonic. E.g. for the extended natural numbers (i.e. natural numbers + ∞) you can define f = f + 1
and that gives you f = ∞
. Not with the function package though.
If I recall correctly, the reason is that the existence of a unique least fixed point is guaranteed by the Knaster–Tarski theorem in such settings.
Chengsong Tan has marked this topic as resolved.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC