having a locale "L" that fixes some constant "c" and an interpretation "intp" of that locale L, is there a way to access the instantiated/interpreted c without explicitly using the instantiating term?
I tried using "intp.c", but that is either undefined or I'm doing sth. wrong.
Thanks a lot in advance :)
There is no way to do that
but in general you should avoid instantiating with complex terms anyway, because the simplifier can simplify them and break the entire local mechanism.
locale L =
fixes n :: nat
assumes n: "n ≥ 1"
definition double where "double = n + n"
lemma T: "double > 0"
using n unfolding double_def by simp
interpretation test: L "0+1"
by unfold_locales auto
lemma ‹0 < test.double›
apply simp
(*goal involves L.double (Suc 0), not expected at all!*)
so introducing definition is often the best way to both instantiate and later refer to the term
Alright, thanks for the example! :-)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC