Hi. I tried to bundle some locale-specific notation using bundle
but get a bad context
error. Defining the bundle
outside of the locale does not work as desired because locale parameter are then explicit and have to be reflected in the syntax -- or so it seems. Is there a way to package locale-specific notation together?
Can you give a minimal example to show what you tried?
Here's some dummy example:
definition dummy :: ‹'a ⇒ 'a› where
‹dummy x ≡ x›
locale foo =
fixes bar :: ‹'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool›
abbreviation bar_with_dummy :: ‹'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool›
where ‹bar_with_dummy a b c ≡ dummy (bar a b c)›
abbreviation bar_no_dummy :: ‹'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c ⇒ bool›
where ‹bar_no_dummy a b c ≡ (bar a b c)›
bundle bar_notation_autodummy begin notation foo.bar_with_dummy ("_ ⋄ _ ↝ _") end
bundle bar_no_notation_autodummy begin no_notation foo.bar_with_dummy ("_ ⋄ _ ↝ _") end
bundle bar_notation_raw begin notation foo.bar_no_dummy ("_ ⋄ _ ↝ _") end
bundle bar_no_notation_raw begin no_notation foo.bar_no_dummy ("_ ⋄ _ ↝ _") end
context foo
unbundle bar_notation_autodummy
―‹WANT: dummy (bar a b c)›
―‹GET: λca. dummy (a b c ca), because of locale parameter›
term ‹a ⋄ b ↝ c›
―‹The notation should really be registered within the locale, but then it appears
it can't be bundled: Bad context for command "bundle"⌂›
bundle you_cant_do_that begin notation foo.bar_with_dummy ("_ ⋄ _ ↝ _") end
Not an expert on locales and bundles but here's my best guess: I don't think this is possible. At least as of now, you can only use the bundle
command in a restricted form inside local theory contexts, namely e.g. bundle foo = [[simp_trace, show_types]]
Now what you can do and what I think I've seen people do is just use a sublocale instead:
locale foo_with_notation = foo
notation bar_with_dummy ("_ ⋄ _ ↝ _")
If you want the notation, you just interpret foo_with_notation
in addition to foo
Ah, that's an interesting workaround... I will have a look if that's feasible in my context. Thanks!
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC