Suppose I have a locale that depends on a certain type that we require to satisfy certain type class hypotheses, e.g.
locale test =
fixes f :: "('a :: t2_space) => ('b :: t2_space)"
assumes cont: "continuous_on UNIV f"
and I want to extend it to a locale that adds other hypotheses but that also needs to put other instances on my types, e.g.
locale test_2 = test + assumes linear: "linear f"
for which I need e.g. 'b :: real_vector
. How do I specify this new requirement?
locale test_2 =
test f for f :: "'a :: {real_vector, t2_space} ⇒ 'b :: {real_vector, t2_space}" +
assumes linear: "linear f"
Note however that the linear
already gives you the real_vector
constraint anyway.
(You might want real_normed_vector
anyway, which contains both.)
Manuel Eberl said:
locale test_2 = test f for f :: "'a :: {real_vector, t2_space} ⇒ 'b :: {real_vector, t2_space}" + assumes linear: "linear f"
If I do so it says Parameter(s) declared simultaneously in expression and for clause: f
Works fine for me. What did you write exactly?
Ops I forgot the f... it works indeed, sorry!
No worries!
Manuel Eberl said:
(You might want
anyway, which contains both.)
What if I want it to be a topological vector space whose topology does not come from a norm: is there a topological_vector_space in HOL?
Hm, if anything it would have to be topological_real_vector_space
because type classes in Isabelle cannot have more than one type variable, i.e. you cannot have a vector_space
type class, only a real_vector_space
Well, that would be fine: I am working with real numbers only, but it does not exist yet, right?
I had a quick look and didn't find it, no.
Isabelle's type class system is really not great for showing "abstract" results about structures due to its limitations.
Ok thanks!
It works well for working with concrete ones.
But if you want to do fancier stuff you may have to work entirely with locales instead.
But a topological_real_vector_space
would of course be perfectly possible.
It probably doesn't exist because for the "interesting" real topological vector spaces the topology is always induced by a norm
Especially since the type class approach only allows you to fashion your type with one canonical topology. And that's probably going to be the one induced by the norm.
(There are ways to work with topologies in a more liberal way though, there is a type 'a toplogy
representing a topology on the type 'a
, and then you can e.g. write openin top X
to say that X
is open in the topology top
Manuel Eberl said:
It probably doesn't exist because for the "interesting" real topological vector spaces the topology is always induced by a norm
I kind of disagree with this (what about infinite dimensional Frechet spaces?) but I get your point! My problem is that I am trying to write code that works with the current library for smooth manifolds, so I cannot make a lot of choices in the implementaion, otherwise I would certainly follow your tip of using locales! In any case there's no problem here, since you say topological_real_vector_space
can be done and I only need that!
The smooth manifold development was already pushing what you can do with the current formalisation in a lot of ways
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC