I've got a datatype
datatype a2ln = A2Ordinary "real" "real"
| A2Vertical "real"
for representing lines in the Cartesian plane. A2Ordinary m b
is supposed to represent the line we usually describe as $y = mx + b$. Naturally, that only works when m is nonzero, so I'd like to form a set called Lines
consisting of all items of this datatype...except for the Ordinary
ones with m = 0
. I tried writing
definition A2Lines::"a2ln set"
where "A2Lines ≡ (UNIV::a2ln set) - {k . λ k . ∃ b . k = (Ordinary 0 b)}"
but Isabelle doesn't like that. (I've only used sets in Isabelle a little bit, so I'm still pretty shaky on them).
Can someone suggest how I might define that set?
I'm sure that there's a way to define it positively rather than with a set-difference, but if the set-difference way is possible, I'd like to see how to do it for later use.
This is currently what your second term is with the syntax sugar removed
(* Set syntax | Set body *)
term "Collect (λk . (λ k . ∃ b . k = (Ordinary 0 b)))"
More generally
(*Notice how both terms are printed the same in isabelle*)
lemma "Collect (λx . P x) = {x. P x}"
by (fact refl)
This is the syntax you are looking for I think:
term ‹{k | b . k = (Ordinary 0 b)}›
(the λ is implicit and the ∃ is in the | basically)
Just to answer the question, a non-set difference way to define this is
{k. ∃b c. k = A2Ordinary b c ∧ c ≠ 0}
And a set difference way is
- {k. ∃b. k = A2Ordinary 0 b}
Thanks. I was (perhaps mistakenly) trying to use the first 'set comprehension' notation from the theory Set:
"{x. P}" ⇌ "CONST Collect (λx. P)"
but this second version, with the vertical bar, looks more workable. I had earlier tried something that looked like
`{A2Ordinary m b . ... }` but couldn't make it work, and thought the problem might be the use of a constructor at the start rather than just a variable-name.
Thanks, everyone!
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC