I would like to, from this version of the theorem:
"cwff ((Op,ρ),Φ) (cBOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ Op ∧ ρ m = length fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set fl ⟶ cwff ((Op,ρ),Φ) f))"
obtain the following version where the components are not specified.
"cwff (τ,Φ) (cBOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ (fst τ) ∧ (snd τ) m = length fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set fl ⟶ cwff (τ,Φ) f))"
sledgehammer gives the following:
cvc4 found a proof...
verit found a proof...
cvc4 found a proof...
cvc4 found a proof...
vampire found a proof...
vampire found a proof...
cvc4: Try this: by (smt (verit) prod.collapse) (> 1.0 s, timed out)
cvc4: Duplicate proof
cvc4: Duplicate proof
vampire: Try this: by (metis surjective_pairing) (> 1.0 s, timed out)
Isar proof (8.2 s):
proof -
obtain cc :: "('a, 'b) cform list ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a ⇒ nat) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a, 'b) cform" where
"∀X1 X2 X3 X4. (∃X5. ¬ cwff ((X4, X3), X2) X5 ∧ X5 ∈ list.set X1) ⟶ ¬ cwff ((X4, X3), X2) (cc X1 X2 X3 X4) ∧ cc X1 X2 X3 X4 ∈ list.set X1"
by moura
then obtain cca :: "('a, 'b) cform list ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a ⇒ nat) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a, 'b) cform" where
"∀a cs B f A. (cwff ((A, f), B) (cBOX a cs) ∨ a ∉ A ∨ ¬ cwff ((A, f), B) (cca cs B f A) ∧ cca cs B f A ∈ list.set cs ∨ length cs ≠ f a) ∧ (a ∈ A ∧ (∀c. cwff ((A, f), B) c ∨ c ∉ list.set cs) ∧ length cs = f a ∨ ¬ cwff ((A, f), B) (cBOX a cs))"
by (metis (full_types) cwff_cBOX0)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (z3) surjective_pairing)
verit: Try this: by (smt (verit) prod.exhaust_sel) (> 1.0 s, timed out)
vampire: Try this: by (metis cBOX_def prod.exhaust_sel) (> 1.0 s, timed out)
Isar proof (6.4 s):
proof -
obtain cc :: "('a ⇒ nat) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a, 'b) cform list ⇒ ('a, 'b) cform" where
"∀X0 X2 X3 X4. (∃X5. X5 ∈ list.set X4 ∧ ¬ cwff ((X2, X0), X3) X5) ⟶ cc X0 X2 X3 X4 ∈ list.set X4 ∧ ¬ cwff ((X2, X0), X3) (cc X0 X2 X3 X4)"
by moura
then obtain cca :: "('a ⇒ nat) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a, 'b) cform list ⇒ ('a, 'b) cform" where
"∀f a A B cs. (cwff ((A, f), B) (cBOX a cs) ∨ a ∉ A ∨ length cs ≠ f a ∨ cca f A B cs ∈ list.set cs ∧ ¬ cwff ((A, f), B) (cca f A B cs)) ∧ (a ∈ A ∧ length cs = f a ∧ (∀c. c ∉ list.set cs ∨ cwff ((A, f), B) c) ∨ ¬ cwff ((A, f), B) (cBOX a cs))"
by (metis (full_types) cwff_cBOX0)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (z3) prod.exhaust_sel)
The above may suggests that it is not the correct way to do it. Why it is so hard for sledgehammer? How can I easily transfer from one version to another?
Given that this just works, it is hard to say why verit fails
"⋀Op ρ Φ m fl. cwff ((Op,ρ),Φ) (cBOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ Op ∧ ρ m = length fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set fl ⟶ cwff ((Op,ρ),Φ) f))"
"cwff (τ,Φ) (cBOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ (fst τ) ∧ (snd τ) m = length fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set fl ⟶ cwff (τ,Φ) f))"
using assms
by (metis prod.collapse)
But proving one from the other by instantiating the variable + auto should be sufficient.
Thanks! Just for convenience during the interactive proof, if I write:
lemma cwff_cBOX :
"cwff (τ,Φ) (cBOX m fl) ⟷
(m ∈ (fst τ) ∧ (snd τ) m = length fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set fl ⟶ cwff (τ,Φ) f))"
using cwff_cBOX0
proof (cases τ)
case (Pair a b)
then show ?thesis sorry
Then the output panel displays:
I would be more comfortable if it directly replace all the occurrences of by , is there any method that gives that?
unfolding Pair(2)
or apply (unfold Pair(2))
The lowlevel variant being hypsubst
Where is Pair(2)?
I tried
find_theorems name:Pair
thm Pair(2)
find theorems gives:
found 14 theorem(s):
Product_Type.case_prod_Pair: (λ(x, y). (x, y)) = id
Product_Type.scomp_Pair: scomp ?x Pair = ?x
Product_Type.Pair_scomp: scomp (Pair ?x) ?f = ?f ?x
(?a, ?b) = Abs_prod (Pair_Rep ?a ?b)
Pair ≡
λa b. Basic_BNF_LFPs.xtor
(BNF_Composition.id_bnf (a, b))
rel_fun ?A (rel_fun ?B (rel_prod ?A ?B)) Pair Pair
(case ?p of (x, y) ⇒ (x, y)) = ?p
Pair_Rep ?a ?b = (λx y. x = ?a ∧ y = ?b)
Pair ?x -` Sigma ?A ?f =
(if ?x ∈ ?A then ?f ?x else {})
filtermap (λx. (?f x, ?g x)) ?F
≤ filtermap ?f ?F ×⇩F filtermap ?g ?F
?P ?x ?y ⟹ ?a = (?x, ?y) ⟹ ?P (fst ?a) (snd ?a)
(?r, ?s) ∈ ?R ⟹ ?s' = ?s ⟹ (?r, ?s') ∈ ?R
(?a, ?b) = (?a', ?b') ⟹
(?a = ?a' ⟹ ?b = ?b' ⟹ ?R) ⟹ ?R
filterlim ?f ?G ?F ⟹
filterlim ?g ?H ?F ⟹
LIM x ?F. (?f x, ?g x) :> ?G ×⇩F ?H
try after the case
case (Pair a b)
Both of them gives the same error message: Bad fact selection "Pair(2)" (length 1)⌂ .
Ahh you do not have cwff_BOX0
in the context (what was the point of the using assms
then it is Pair(1)
(or Pair
Yes, Pair(1) or Pair works, gives what I want.
1. (a, b) = (a, b) ⟹
cwff ((a, b), Φ) (cBOX m fl) =
(m ∈ fst (a, b) ∧
snd (a, b) m = length fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set fl ⟶ cwff ((a, b), Φ) f))
But sorry, I do not understand why it is relevant to "using cwff_BOX0"? It is just the theorem with two components unfolded, and I would like to see it in the interactive window.
It looks like:
cwff ((?Op, ?ρ), ?Φ) (cBOX ?m ?fl) =
(?m ∈ ?Op ∧
?ρ ?m = length ?fl ∧
(∀f. f ∈ list.set ?fl ⟶ cwff ((?Op, ?ρ), ?Φ) f))
If I do
then show ?thesis using cwff_cBOX0 apply (unfold Pair(2))
It will still complain "Bad fact selection "Pair(2)" (length 1)⌂".
Okay, Isabelle is pushing you to do the right thing here: the using cwff_cBOX0
has no effect at all. So you should remove it.
Yiming Xu said:
If I do
then show ?thesis using cwff_cBOX0 apply (unfold Pair(2))
It will still complain "Bad fact selection "Pair(2)" (length 1)⌂".
The error message is saying that you should use Pair(1)
You can also use induction
instead of cases
to split
I have just found that Pair(1) is not a theorem but local, I see. It is just \tau = (a,b).
Mathias Fleury said:
You can also use
instead ofcases
to split
Thanks and that does work, I see.
proof (induction τ)
case (Pair a b)
then show ?case sorry
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC