I have a locale for representing something called an affine plane; it's defined using a different locale (affine_plane_data
) which is just a hack for allowing me to define the word "parallel", so that I can use it in defining an affine plane.
Within an affine plane, "parallel
" is an equivalence relation on lines, as one might expect by analogy with Euclidean geometry. I'd like to define something called (in geometry books) a 'pencil of parallel lines', which is an equivalence class of parallel lines within my plane. In euclidean geometry, the collection of all vertical lines is a pencil; the collection of all horizontal lines is a pencil; the collection of all lines of slope 13 is a pencil, and so on.
When I try to do this, I get into trouble because my notion of "parallel" depends on the 'parameters' of my affine plane, namely the types for the sets Points
and Lines
and a function called meets
, and quotient_type
fails me.
Can someone suggest how to do this correctly?
The problem is shown below, where I've replaced the proofs with sorry
so as to show the key problem. The failure is in the quotient_type
just a few lines before the end.
theory Affine_BasicsMWE
imports Complex_Main HOL.Equiv_Relations
locale affine_plane_data =
fixes Points :: "'p set" and Lines :: "'l set" and meets :: "'p ⇒ 'l ⇒ bool"
fixes join:: "'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'l"
fixes find_parallel:: "'l ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'l"
definition (in affine_plane_data) parallel::"'l ⇒ 'l ⇒ bool" (infix "||" 50) where
"parallel l m = ( (l = m) ∨
( (¬ (∃ P. P ∈ Points ∧ meets P l ∧ meets P m)) ∧ (l ∈ Lines) ∧ (m ∈ Lines)))"
definition collinear :: "'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ 'p ⇒ bool"
where "collinear A B C = (if A ∈ Points ∧ B ∈ Points ∧ C ∈ Points
then (∃ l. l ∈ Lines ∧ meets A l ∧ meets B l ∧ meets C l) else undefined)"
locale affine_plane =
affine_plane_data +
a1a: "⟦P ≠ Q; P ∈ Points; Q ∈ Points⟧ ⟹ join P Q ∈ Lines ∧ meets P (join P Q) ∧ meets Q (join P Q)" and
a1b: "⟦P ≠ Q; P ∈ Points; Q ∈ Points; meets P m; meets Q m⟧ ⟹ m = join P Q" and
a2a: "⟦ P ∈ Points; l ∈ Lines⟧ ⟹ find_parallel l P ∈ Lines" and
a2b: "⟦ P ∈ Points; l ∈ Lines⟧ ⟹ ( find_parallel l P) || l" and
a2c: "⟦ P ∈ Points; l ∈ Lines⟧ ⟹ meets P (find_parallel l P)" and
a2d: "⟦ P ∈ Points; l ∈ Lines; m ∈ Lines; m || l; meets P m⟧ ⟹ m = find_parallel l P" and
a3: "∃P Q R. P ∈ Points ∧ Q ∈ Points ∧ R ∈ Points ∧ P ≠ Q ∧ P ≠ R ∧ Q ≠ R ∧ ¬ (collinear P Q R)"
lemma parr_refl:
shows "reflp parallel"
lemma parr_sym:
shows "symp parallel"
lemma parr_trans:
shows "transp parallel"
lemma parallel_equivalence:
shows "Equiv_Relations.equivp parallel"
proof -
show ?thesis using parr_refl parr_sym parr_trans equivpI by auto
quotient_type pencil = "'l" / "parallel::'l ⇒ 'l⇒ bool"
morphisms Rep_Pencil Abs_Pencil
find_consts name: "parallel"
(* gives Affine_Basics.affine_plane_data.parallel :: "'p set ⇒ 'l set ⇒ ('p ⇒ 'l ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'l ⇒ 'l ⇒ bool" *)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC