Hi, from the download page of Isabelle I had the impression that it would native on Apple Silicon, but after downloading and launching it the system tells me I need to install Rosetta in order to run it. Am I doing something wrong, or Isabelle isn't Apple Silicon native?
We do have darwin-arm64 versions of the most important parts (e.g. PolyML, JDK), but less relevant components might not have a native implementation (which is not a problem, as rosetta is good enough).
As for what is bundled in the MacOS release, I don't know -- at what point does it ask you to install Rosetta?
This might be a question for the mailing list.
It asks for Rosetta as soon as I click the app icon.
What I did was I extracted the contents of the app package and ran “isabelle jedit” from the command line. It opened normally and kept asking for permission to run a lot of things, but past that everything (that I tried) runs without asking to install Rosetta.
I guess the launcher is not native then (possibly on purpose, to ensure rosetta is available).
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC