I would like to talk about the product of n-copies of the same set. i.e. . I think this can be done with lists.
I can do something like:
definition n_fold_prod :: "nat ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a list set"
"n_fold_prod n A = {as . length as = n ∧ (∀a. a ∈ set as ⟶ a ∈ A)}"
lemma finite_n_fold_prod :
assumes "finite A"
shows "finite (n_fold_prod n A)"
But I think it would be a common thing. Does it already exist somewhere?
I think the standard way of doing this is PiE from FuncSet.thy
The product you're wanting is
abbreviation "n_fold_prod (n :: nat) A ≡ Pi⇩E {0..n} (λ_. A)"
lemma finite_n_fold_prod :
assumes "finite A"
shows "finite (n_fold_prod n A)"
by (rule finite_PiE; simp add: assms)
Christian Pardillo Laursen said:
I think the standard way of doing this is PiE from FuncSet.thy
The product you're wanting isabbreviation "n_fold_prod (n :: nat) A ≡ Pi⇩E {0..n} (λ_. A)" lemma finite_n_fold_prod : assumes "finite A" shows "finite (n_fold_prod n A)" by (rule finite_PiE; simp add: assms)
Great! We even have indexed product in general. Thanks and lot and this is exactly what I want.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC