Hi! I'm refactoring some proofs I have in a language interpreter that uses associative-list as a concrete representation for Maps.
The current version is thought with performance in mind, so the insert
, delete
and lookup
assumes that the keys are distinct and sorted. This is useful when comparing two associative-list, as two AssocMap
are equal if the list is equal, but they are troublesome when proving other stuff as I need to combine list induction with linorder_cases.
The partially refactored version (presented below) makes some tests easier, but now I can't just use equality, as two AssocMap
with different sorting are different. This is made obvious in the insert_swap
lemma, for which nitpick finds a counter-example.
I was able to express an equivalence relationship, and the insert_swap
is proved automatically. But I fear that the simplifier won't be able to use this lemma as it is. I think the solution involves congruence rules, so I read the corresponding sections in the tutorial and in isar-ref, but I wasn't able to express a [cong]
theory AssocMap
imports Main
fun unique_keys :: "('k × 'v) list ⇒ bool" where
"unique_keys m = distinct (map fst m)"
lemma filterOfUniqueIsUnique :
assumes "unique_keys m"
shows "unique_keys (filter P m)"
using assms proof (induction m)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons head tail)
then show ?case
using Cons.prems distinct_map_filter unique_keys.simps by blast
('k, 'v) AssocMap = "{m :: ('k × 'v) list. unique_keys m}"
by (rule_tac x = "[]" in exI) auto
setup_lifting type_definition_AssocMap
lift_definition empty :: "('k, 'v) AssocMap"
is "[]"
by simp
fun delete' :: "'k ⇒ ('k × 'v) list ⇒ ('k × 'v) list" where
"delete' k m = filter (λ(mK, mV). mK ≠ k) m"
delete :: "'k ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap"
is delete'
by (simp add: distinct_map_filter)
insert :: "'k ⇒ 'v ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap"
is "λk v m. (k, v) # (delete' k m)"
using distinct_map_filter by auto
lemma insert_swap :
"k1 ≠ k2 ⟹ insert k1 v1 (insert k2 v2 m) = insert k2 v2 (insert k1 v1 m)"
(* nitpick finds the following counter-example, and it makes sense,
they are not equal, they are equivalent.
k1 = a⇩1
k2 = a⇩2
m = «[(a⇩2, b⇩1)]»
v1 = b⇩2
v2 = b⇩1
lift_definition assocMapEquiv :: "('k, 'v) AssocMap ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap ⇒ bool" (infix "≡⇩a" 50)
"λa b. (∀e. e ∈ set a ⟷ e ∈ set b)" .
lemma insert_swap :
"k1 ≠ k2 ⟹ insert k1 v1 (insert k2 v2 m) ≡⇩a insert k2 v2 (insert k1 v1 m)"
by transfer auto
(* How can I define a congruence rule so that the simplifier is able to make the swap? *)
My initial attempt was to refactor the current theory, which requires manual passing of the valid_map
assumption, into a typedef, but as I mentioned before some proofs are harder than need to because of the sorting.
theory AssocMap
imports Main
section "Associative Map"
fun unique_keys :: "('k × 'v) list ⇒ bool" where
"unique_keys m = distinct (map fst m)"
fun sorted_keys :: "('k::linorder × 'v) list ⇒ bool" where
"sorted_keys m = sorted (map fst m)"
lemma sorted_keys_cons :
assumes "sorted_keys (tail)"
and "⋀tK tV. (tK, tV) ∈ set tail ⟹ hK < tK"
shows "sorted_keys ((hK, hV) # tail)"
proof -
have "⋀tK tV. (tK, tV) ∈ set tail ⟹ hK ≤ tK"
by (simp add: assms(2) dual_order.order_iff_strict)
then show ?thesis
using assms by auto
typedef (overloaded)
('k::linorder, 'v) AssocMap (*<*) = "{m :: ('k × 'v) list.
(unique_keys m ∧ sorted_keys m)
by (rule_tac x = "[]" in exI) auto
setup_lifting type_definition_AssocMap
lift_definition empty :: "('k::linorder, 'v) AssocMap"
is "[]"
by simp
fun insert' :: "'k::linorder ⇒ 'v ⇒ ('k × 'v) list ⇒ ('k × 'v) list" where
"insert' k v [] = [(k, v)]"
| "insert' k v ((hK, hV) # tail) =
(if k < hK then (k, v) # [(hK, hV)] @ tail
else if k = hK then (k, v) # tail
else (hK, hV) # insert' k v tail
lemma pInsert_union : "set (map fst (insert' k v m)) = set [k] ∪ set (map fst m)"
proof (induction m)
case Nil
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons head tail)
then obtain hK hV where "head = (hK, hV)"
by fastforce
then show ?case
using list.simps(9) local.Cons set_append sup.left_idem sup_left_commute by force
lift_definition insert :: "'k::linorder ⇒ 'v ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap ⇒ ('k, 'v) AssocMap"
is insert'
subgoal for k v m
proof (induction m)
case Nil
then show ?case
by simp
case (Cons head tail)
then obtain hK hV where pHead: "head = (hK, hV)"
by fastforce
then show ?case
proof (cases rule: linorder_cases[of k hK])
assume "k < hK"
then show ?thesis
using pHead Cons.prems by auto
assume "k = hK"
then show ?thesis
using pHead Cons.prems by force
assume "k > hK"
moreover note Cons.IH Cons.prems pHead
moreover have "⋀tK tV. (tK, tV) ∈ set (insert' k v tail) ⟹ hK ≤ tK"
using calculation by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) append_Cons append_Nil fst_conv insert_iff list.set_map list.simps(15) list.simps(9) map_of_eq_None_iff option.distinct(1) order_less_imp_le pInsert_union set_append sorted_keys.elims(2) sorted_simps(2) weak_map_of_SomeI)
moreover have "sorted_keys (insert' k v tail)"
using calculation by force
moreover have "sorted_keys ((hK, hV) # insert' k v tail)"
using calculation by auto
moreover have "unique_keys ((hK, hV) # insert' k v tail)"
apply auto
using calculation apply (metis (no_types, lifting) UnE empty_iff fst_conv list.set(1) list.set_map list.simps(9) map_of_eq_None_iff not_less_iff_gr_or_eq option.distinct(1) pInsert_union set_ConsD sorted_keys.elims(2) strict_sorted_iff strict_sorted_simps(2) unique_keys.elims(2) weak_map_of_SomeI)
using calculation by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis insert'.simps(2) order_less_imp_not_less)
As a bonus question, if I define the two versions of AssocMap (performant and not performant), I should be able to prove that insert
, lookup
and delete
are equivalent, but can I interchange them? Maybe to be able to prove stuff using the not performant representation but to use code equations
to the performant implementation when I'm generating Haskell code.
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC