I'm looking to pimp my syntax, turn things such as seq m T n
into m \triangleright^{T} n
, but by the looks of it whenever T
is more than one character, only the first character gets printed in the super position. Is this just a limitation of Isabelle, or can I fix it somehow?
seq m TTTT n
sadly is rendered as: grafik.png
Additional side issue: Defining a syntax such as _\<sub>e
will render correctly, but will fail to parse when found in code. It looks like Isabelle is trying to parse all of m\<sub>e
as one identifier, since doing (m)\<sub>e
does seem to work. Context: Nothing hugely important, just trying to make accessors into a triple prettier (e
being one of the triple elements).
I guess for now I can just do _!e
instead, but that is not as neat :D
but I never remember if Isabelle/jEdit can print that....
After checking: Isabelle/jEdit is not able print \<^bsup>...\<^esup>
correctly, but \<^bsup>...\<^esup>
is how you are supposed to do it for LaTeX output
That is at least a step up from what I had before, so good enough for me, thanks! :)
Last updated: Mar 09 2025 at 12:28 UTC